Part 5

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I know the last two chapters have been a little shorter but the next one is super long, so I'll make up for it looool

I hope you guys don't think Michael is too OOC. Obviously this fic is AU so it puts him in a situation I haven't seen him in. I imagine him kind of reverting back to how he was before Hawthorne when he was all confident after all he's been through. Like when we see him in the woods after Ms Mead gets burned, he's a mess. And then when we see him at the Satanic church, he's just sat here crying in the pew like a lil bb. So yeah loool


Almost a week went by and Amy couldn't believe how things had changed so much. She'd gone from despising him and being mad he was in her space, to them happily being in each other's company. It was a strange friendship. Michael followed her around like a lost puppy. They'd pair up for classes, and whenever there were no classes, he was by her side. Whenever she was with Mallory and Coco, when they ate lunch or dinner. Then at night they'd sit on their respective beds and talk about anything and everything. He seemed to be more comfortable with her now and thankfully he hadn't cried since. She felt better about befriending the enemy now. He was doing good and practising hard. She actually found herself liking him and it shocked her. He was witty, kind, incredibly intelligent. He often did fancy things with his powers when they were alone at night, loving how her face would light up as she watched him. He seemed to really soak in her praise and her awe. But still, sometimes it felt a little weird.

She felt like the only alone time she had now was when she needed to use the bathroom. And whilst she didn't mind being shadowed by him, sometimes she wondered if it was healthy for him to have latched onto her so much. Zoe and Cordelia were pleased about it, seeing him improve and become happier. But he just seemed so... attached to her. It wasn't like a normal friendship. It was almost like he depended on her. It made her feel a little bit pressured. Mallory had said to her that maybe she was the one to keep him on track, and now she was feeling the weight of that. She was worried if she upset him he might snap. She had tried to distance herself on her part. Sure he was beautiful and made her smile all the time, but she had her walls up at all times, just like she did with everyone else. For some reason, it just felt like she had to work extra hard not to let Michael in fully. It was like he was softening the walls she had hidden behind.

The more time she spent with him, the more she started to think he was actually a virgin. It shocked her really. She expected the Antichrist to be a bit of a slut. It wasn't like he didn't get attention. Jessica would switch between trying to be all over him and then being a bitch, and a few other girls seemed to watch him with heart eyes. But he always seemed so uncomfortable. She'd catch him looking at her sometimes though, and then he'd blush and look away quickly. Whenever the topic of sex came up with her, Mallory and Coco, he would tense up and seem like he wanted to run away. She had no idea how on earth he hadn't had contact with anyone in that manner but sometimes she found herself amused by it. It was kind of cute.

She was sat by the vanity as she applied mascara to her long lashes. She was wearing a tight black dress and her boots, her hair up in a messy ponytail. She had been itching to go and see Ryan. She had spent all her time with Michael but her body needed to let off some steam and Ryan was more than willing to help. But when she'd told Michael he'd done nothing but sulk.

"Do you have to go?" he asked, glaring at her with his shiny blue orbs through the reflection. She heaved a sigh as she turned around to face him. She didn't miss how his eyes travelled to her very visible cleavage before he blushed and looked back at her face.

"I won't even be gone long. Just sleep, or read or something. I'll be back before you know it," she said softly. She felt like she was dealing with a child. She knew if he started crying she wouldn't be able to go. She'd feel too bad. He frowned as he looked down at his hands. He did that a lot when he was sad. She blew out a breath and stood up, walking over to his bed.

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