Part 31

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Here we are. This is the endddd, this is the enddddd. *sings The End by As It Is* looool

So, what can I say? This has been a wild ride and it's far from over.

I was like, 'iM gOnNa MaKe ThIs ThReE cHaPtErS aNd AlL sMuT LOLOLolLLoLOl' :')

31 chapters and nowhere near finished. Book two will be INTENSE guys. I only have some ideas on where it starts and the rest is just gonna happen. AU, all of that. Hope you guys have liked this story.

Don't forget I'm over on Tumblr from-chaos-comes-beauty

I post this on there and any updates I might need to make. I also accept requests for MichaelxReader and just ideas in general. Come say haaaiiiii :')

I hope this chapter clears some things up for you but I don't go into every little detail cause ya know... mystery and all that. I need to save some excitement so you come and read part two loool


Michael stood at the altar of the church. Everything was falling into place now, soon he would have all he needed. The congregation were on their knees, worshipping him, praising his father. He couldn't deny it felt good. He wasn't the same boy he was the month before, a lot had changed. His darkness was more entwined with himself now. The clear divide was breaking down as his shadow bled into his soul. By his right side was Ms Mead. Well, not quite Ms Mead but close enough. When he'd met the idiots with bowl cuts, he'd not held much hope to have his mother figure back in his life. But he had to admit, they did a good fucking job. There was only one person he needed by his side now but it wasn't time just yet. He knew she would be upset with him. More than upset. But he also knew that even if he had tried to explain to her what he was doing, she wouldn't understand and try to stop him. But you can't stop the inevitable. He knew that now. He knew as clear as day.

When she left to go and see Misty, that was when his eyes had been opened by his Father. His dreams that night had been relentless. One after the other Amy had died, all by his hand each time. He'd strangled her, slit her throat, beat her to death, stabbed her through her heart, set her on fire. One after the other, all vivid and vile. Her screams and desperate pleas settling deep into his bones. And his Father's booming voice had resonated within the shadowy dreamscape. A message that would forever be burned into his brain.

'Come back to me or lose her forever'.

He had woken in a cold sweat that morning. His Father's threat was obvious. If he didn't return back to his destiny, to his Father, Amy would die again. And he knew no matter how many times he might try and go back for her, it would never end. His Father was using his only weakness against him and it worked. He was terrified. So he had left the school, not knowing where his feet were taking him but letting Satan guide him. And that's how he ended up at the church. It only spiralled from there.

It had hurt lying to Amy right to her face. It always made him feel dirty and guilty. But he had no other choice. After he had revealed his true nature to the people at the church, he'd slit two peoples throats in his second black mass. His apology to his Father, his return home. He had promised Amy he hadn't done anything bad and it had been lies. And after the second black mass, more messages came from his Father. Satan promised to keep Amy safe as long as he fulfilled the prophecy. That if he ended the world as he was supposed to, if he sat on his rightful throne, Amy would live by his side. She would be protected by Satan himself, unable to be harmed. His beloved would forever be safe and within his reach and that's all he wanted. He didn't care about the world or the people in it. As long as he had Amy he had everything he needed. And the new Ms Mead of course.

Ms Mead had been shocked when he told her everything about Amy. Even though she wasn't really Ms Mead, sometimes it was hard for him to even notice. She held all of her memories. She was almost perfect. And since she knew him so well, having her old memories, she knew it was strange for the boy to be in love. But she seemed happy about it. She could see just how much she meant to the boy. And what's more, his love for Amy, his deep fear of losing her, that's what brought him back to Satan. Michael had made it very clear to the church and the cooperative who he was now leading that she was to be his Dark Queen. That she would rule by his side when the time came and they would kneel for her as they did for him. It was unexpected to say the least. No part of the prophecy mentioned someone by his side. But they didn't dare question him. They were all terrified of him. And that was something he revelled in.

He was more dark than light these days. His only light coming from his memories of Amy and how he felt about her. He wasn't a shy boy that didn't know how to speak to people. He was cocky, suave. Gone were the combat boots and hoodie. He was always decked out in his fancy suits and sometimes his red leather gloves. Gone was the messy hair that Amy loved so much. Now it was neatly curled and styled. He knew how to command a room. These people idolized him and his confidence had soared at feeling like he was where he belonged. There was still some work to be done and preparation for the end of the world. The construction of the Sanctuary had just started and those loyal to his Father would be safe there. To rebuild the world in his Father's image. They would all go there before the world ended and that's when he would come back for her. He knew it wouldn't be easy, he knew she would be upset with him. But he wasn't asking her. She would be by his side whether she wanted to or not. It was where she belonged and soon she would see. He had done all of this for her. He had gone back to his Father willingly to save her soul, to keep her by his side forever. Ensuring that once he was King of the new world, she would be by his side forever as his Queen. Satan had bound her soul to his. They were connected in every way.

He longed to go and see her. He missed her more than he could put into words. And despite his darkness being more of him, even his darkness wept at night for her sometimes when the longing became too much. No matter what he wore, the pictures of them together were always in his pocket. And in the early hours, he would turn on his phone and relisten to her voicemails even though it broke his heart to hear her so upset. But he needed to hear her voice. He needed to hear her say she loved him. He hated that he had to hurt her. But her safety was far more important than her feelings by this point. He would make her see it all when the time came and he hoped she would forgive him. Even if she couldn't, she would still be by his side and she would be safe. And that was enough for him. He couldn't handle losing her. Not again.

But for now, he had to finish his plans. He had to get everything in order with the Sanctuary so it was fit for his followers to live and fit for his Queen when he went back to get her. He wasn't sure how long it would take but he was putting everyone under immense pressure. Every second he was without her he was a mess. He needed her by his side. He was stupid to ever think he could outrun his destiny. It had been laid out for him after all. He tried to run, he tried to behave. But even at the coven, was he really good? He killed people there, he'd killed Amy's best friend. He'd even killed the two officers that had accused him, making it look like suicides. Amy had sometimes mentioned that she hadn't heard anything and he had told her that was a good sign. That if anything bad had happened to him they would have found something by now. She had bought it and he hadn't felt guilty about that lie. He hadn't regretted what he did to that vile boy. Even when he tried to be good, his darkness still took over, he still did things that weren't good. Things he could never have told Amy about in fear she would run from him in terror.

He just wasn't cut out to be good. He was the son of Satan. He was the Antichrist. And it was time he accepted that and did what he was put on this earth to do. To make his Father happy with him once more. Only this time, he would have a Queen by his side to rule the domain with him. A Queen he would gladly kneel for himself. To him, she was his superior. He was her mere servant. A slave to the love he held for her. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her. That included blowing up the fucking world and ridding it of the people who weren't going to be cut out for the new way things would be. She would see soon enough, she had no choice. All of this was for her.


Much love to anyone who made it this far. I love you guys. I hope you've enjoyed this so far and I'm excited to start on the next book! <3 <3 <3

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