The Next 'Cat'tastrophe Strikes

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Doc whipped around. "Is it... him?" He felt his heart skip a beat.

Xisuma quickly shook his head. Doc's heart returned back to it's usual rhythm. "I think there is something under the bridge."

Doc pulled out is sword. "Do you think it is dangerous?" 

"I'm not sure. Let me go check." Xisuma started to climb under the bridge.

"Wait!" Doc said, but X had already disappeared from sight. He ran back to the edge of the bridge and looked under.

He was met with Xisuma's voice. "Put your sword away, you might scare it." Before Doc could ask what it was he saw the small bundle of terror in his arms. He stared into the deep blue eyes of a killer, eyes that stared into his soul. This creature ate souls for breakfast. It let out a small mew.

Doc felt his grip on his sword tighten. Xisuma saw this and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little kitten." 

"I know," Doc growled.

X stared at him then realization spread across his face and his visor couldn't even hide it. "Doc. Are you afraid of cats?"

"No," Doc quickly said, but his voice cracked.

Xisuma looked away. Doc felt confused. Did X hate him for despising cats? He knew that many of the Hermits like Scar owned cats and were fiercely protective of them. Then he noticed X's shoulders shaking. 

Xisuma let out a huge burst of laughter and the demon in his arms let out a small hiss of alarm. "I can't believe that Docm77, crazy scientist and one of the fiercest fighters, is afraid of cats."

Doc put his sword away in an attempt to look less scared, but from X's reaction, he failed miserably. "Is it one of Scar's?" 

Scar had so many cats and he let them roam around, so there are few places you could go and not see any of them. X just shook his head. "This little fella doesn't have a collar, and I know that all of the Hermits put collars on their pets in case they get lost." Doc still couldn't understand how anyone could touch a cat, much less keep one around. Xisuma climbed back onto the bridge and Doc quickly hurried away. That thing was staring at him. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you little one," he said as he pet it's gray fur. The cat let out a small purr. 

"You can have it, just keep it away from me!" Doc said, his voice raising in pitch as Xisuma moved towards him. 

"Don't worry, this little one couldn't hurt you. It's looks like it isn't three months old yet and it still has its baby teeth," X said as he sat down, continuing to pet it. "What's your name?" he asked the fluffy bundle in his arms. It let out a high pitched meow. 

Doc pulled out his communicator. "I'm going to ask Scar for some help. He'd probably want a break from all of that paperwork."

"Go ahead," Xisuma said absentmindedly. He was still staring at the kitten. 

Doc quickly sent out an SOS to Scar and jumped when he looked down to see that demon right next to his foot. He let out a small scream. "Get that cursed thing away from me."

X hurried and scooped it up in his arms. "Sorry, she was curious about you." Doc let out and angry grumble.

The kitten stared at him with it's eyes that pierced right through him. It seemed to see his every weakness. It licked one of X's scars as if to prove a point. Xisuma giggled. "Aww, look at her little tongue." Doc looked at its tongue and the little fangs that accompanied it. They seemed to lurk right above X's arm, ready to bite at any moment, but that moment never came. It opened its jaws and Doc flinched back.

"Look like we've got a sleepy little kit. Should we go find you a bed?" Xisuma said. Thankfully he hadn't seen Doc. 

"I think I can help you with that," a voice came from behind them, on cue. Scar was walking towards them with his arms filled with stuff. "I heard you found this little angel," he said, putting the items down and scratching the so called "angel" behind its ears. Jellie followed behind him and stared jealously. Scar had many cats, but none were as special as Jellie. The two were inseparable. Jellie remained her respectful distance away from Doc. He thought that she was the best cat because she seemed to understand that Doc didn't like to be near her.

"I found her, alone, under the bridge. I think she is tired and hungry, but she's been really friendly." X put it on the floor. 

Scar sat down right next to it and ran his hand through it's fur. "Well she seems to be a little malnourished, but I don't think she is hurt at all."

"I'm so glad," Xisuma said with relief. 

Scar looked up at Doc. "Are you going to be fine around her?" Doc stared back with confusion. "She's going to need a home and I don't think that you would be able to separate her and Xisuma." 

The hard truth hit Doc like an arrow to the face. He was going to be stuck with this thing. He looked over at X. The kitten had climbed on top of his helmet. Xisuma's eyes shone and showed no evidence of the pain that had been in them since the trial. 

Doc swallowed. He was probably going to regret this. "Well, what are we going to call her?"


That is right. X is getting a kitten. What do you guys think we should name her? Make sure to tell me your name ideas and any other ideas you have for future stories. Thank you all so much for reading!

I hope your weekend is great!


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