Reopened Wounds

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WARNING! Self-harm is mentioned, so I'll summarize the events of this chapter in the end. Be careful about reading it.


Today was a beautiful day. The rain was beginning to clear up and a gorgeous double rainbow could be seen, sprawled across the sky. 

Python looked down at his field of flowers. He would usually work meticulously to water each of them to keep them alive in the scalding mesa weather, but today the rain took care of it for him. 

"Python," a voice called from behind him. He turned to see the friendly face of Ren which was unusually plagued with worry.

"What's up Ren?" Python called out, cheerfully. Ren gave a short smile back, but the smile never reached his eyes. His face returned to being serious.

"Python, something is wrong with X." 

Worry wormed its way into Python's stomach. "What happened?"

"He's pushing people away again," a familiar voice joined in. Doc walked up to the two of them. 

Memories flooded into Python; tears threatened to pour out of his eyes. He swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in the back of his throat. "What did he say to you Doc?"

A look of surprise flashed across Doc's face. "How do you know it was me?"

Python shrugged. "It's really not that hard to figure out." He had seen the way they looked at each other when they don't think the other is looking, the way their faces light up when the other walks into a room. He knew it, even if they didn't.

"Python, are you willing to come help us?" Ren asked.

He reached down and picked some blue orchids. "Of course. I'll bring him some orchids. They are his favorite you know."

"So, right now we have the three of us. Who else should we get?" Ren asked.

A few Hermits came to mind. "We've got to get Biffa. He knows Xisuma the best being tea drinking buddies. Joe could also help. He is the best at reading people's body language and knowing what is bothering them." He suggested.

"I think Joe already went to go talk to X," Doc said. Good, Joe was good at diffusing situations and figuring out the problem. 

"What about Mumbo?" Ren suggested. "I think that they made some plans to work together on a project today."

"Mumbo had gone to see him earlier today and he couldn't find X." They looked over at Doc.

"Why didn't you tell me about that earlier?" Ren asked, shocked.

Doc shifted uncomfortably. "I hadn't thought of it before." 

"Doc!" a new voice called out.

They turned to look at the newcomer. "Speak of the Spoon."

Mumbo looked flustered. "I found Xisuma. He just said he was having a zombie problem. Joe is talking to him right now."

"Hold on, a zombie problem?" 

He nodded. 

Python intervened. "That doesn't make any sense. X had mob-proofed his base the other day. He was proud of how he had managed to make everywhere completely spawn-proof." 

All eyes turned to look towards him. "How would X have gotten hurt then?" Mumbo asked.

"Xisuma got hurt?" Doc looked worried.

"I heard him scream. He shrugged it off and said he had a bit of a zombie problem."

Python was beginning to panic. "We need to hurry and get Biffa. What if the Log Father is back and he is hurting X? We can't let that happen again, I-I don't want to almost lose him again."

Ren hurried to his side and led him over to a chair. "Python, don't worry. Joe is with him right now. He wouldn't let Xisuma hurt himself." Tears broke through his effort to calm down.

Doc fell to the ground, dazed. 

"Did he make X d-do... that.. last time?" Mumbo asked, his voice wavering.

Ren nodded. "The Log Father was particularly angry that day. I had to- I-I was there the whole time. He made me watch. I couldn't stop him. There, there was just so much blood. It was everywhere. We almost lost him that day." 

Doc growled. "I'm not going to let the Log Father hurt him. Not ever again."

"Let's go," Python said with a shaky voice, stumbling back to his feet. "We can get Biffa on the way."


What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE? If you skipped this chapter, basically Doc and Ren tell Python their concerns about Xisuma. Python picks some flowers for X and Mumbo shows up. Mumbo tells them about X's scream which they deduce was not actually caused by a zombie. They assume the Log Father is back and forcing X to hurt himself out of anger because the Log Father had done that in the past. The four of them agree to get Biffa and stop X. 

Will they be able to figure out the real problem? What are Joe and Xisuma doing? Where on earth is this story going? Lets all find out soon. (Hopefully. I'm looking at you writer's block.)

I love you all. Please don't hurt yourself. You are all so amazing.


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