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I knew I was bound to get tagged sometime. @HermitsFan tagged me but...

 @HermitsFan tagged me but

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Oh no... here we go.

Who was the first Hermit you ever watched?

So, this is actually pretty weird and a little confusing. The first Hermit that I ever watched was Xisuma's automatic cooked chicken farm, but I never got into his videos. I then a year later I came across Mumbo Jumbo. I was really interested in his redstone, but would often just skip over the Hermitcraft videos. One day I was going through Youtube and there was a Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft episode. Curiosity got the best of me so I watched it and surprisingly I loved it. I started to watch through a few of his Hermitcraft season 5 episodes and then I discovered Grian. Season 5 had just ended so I decided to binge through all of the Evo series, but then I caught up in real time. I then saw a new Grian series-- Hermitcraft. I remembered Mumbo's videos and I started watching more of the Hermits. Then the obsession hit.

How did you find Hermittpad?

This is also a weird story. One of my friends had jokingly written a Squirrelcifer (You read that right. A squirrel Lucifer) x Reader story and she introduced me to Wattpad. I had been reading a lot of Nightwing fanfiction and I was running out of stuff to read, so I thought, "What if there is Hermitcraft Fanfiction?" Imagine my surprise when I found Hermittpad. 

What other fandoms are you in?

Oh boy. I'm going to miss something. Dc, Marvel, Batfam(yes, I'm listing it separate to Dc), Supernatural, Warriors, Star Wars, Pokemon, Tangled, Minecraft, Truly Bedrock, Ranger's Apprentice, Harry Potter, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gilmore Girls, and Hermitcraft.

Who's your favorite Hermit?

Xisuma, no doubt.

Who is your favorite Hermit to write?

Xisuma. I feel like he is the most interesting to write emotionally.

Who is your favorite Hermit to draw?

Xisuma. You sense the pattern here? I just really love X! And his armor design, absolutely amazing.

Favorite superhero(s)?

Overall: Nightwing

Dc: All of the Robins (Except Damian. I still remember Injustice. He knows what he did) and Green Arrow

Marvel: Daredevil and Bucky

Favorite Hermit ship?

DocX. Since you have read this you have probably seen it, but I'm trying to let people decide whether or not they read their relationship as platonic or romantic.

Least favorite utensil?

Sorry Mumbo but I have to say a spoon. So many things like ice cream just taste better with a fork. 

What music do you listen to/play?

I am a huge fan of metal (Thanks X). I play the trombone and a bit of guitar.

As far as tagging goes, I don't want to tag someone who has already been tagged, so I'm not going to tag anyone specifically. If you want to do these questions, then go ahead. I tag whoever wants to do one. 


I just want to apologize. This next chapter was really hard to write and then, thanks to Wattpad, I lost the whole chapter. I will never again write without a backup. I'm currently working on rewriting it, so I hope it'll be out soon.

I have already adopted two Hermittpadders, anyone else want to be one of my children? I would offer brownies, but that sounds creepy. 


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