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It was a surprise when the youngest of the Cattaneo family was born.

To be honest, they never really expected it to be girl.

Her innocent cries were a painful reminder of the truth that Maria Cleo Cattaneo, a mother of three sons and now one daughter and also a loyal wife to Achilles Cattaneo, is dead.

She died giving birth to that innocent bundle of joy.

At first, they were enraged with grief. Nothing could ever explain the feeling of losing someone you love. It was like losing a part of yourself and it's painful beyond belief.

But before she died, Maria wanted them to take care of their youngest Cattaneo. That they would protect her from everything and everyone.

They promised her.

And they'll abide with her wishes.

And so they welcomed Luca Cleo Cattaneo with warm and loving arms, keeping the only promise that Maria have left behind before passing away.

Little Luca was so fragile that her brothers were having a hard time believing that something like her exists in a world full of cruelties.

Now, she's got three brothers to protect her.

First is Enzo Alessandro Cattaneo. He's the eldest. He's the one that usually takes care of Luca when Achilles, their father, is away. His father calls him a mother hen for being too paranoid with Luca.

Gabriele Cattaneo is the second son. He's usually reading books. Always so cold and distant but he'll sometimes look after his sister when it's needed or when he feels lonely.

Lastly, Sydney Julianne Cattaneo. He likes his name even though it sounds girly. He enjoys the reaction of people when they misunderstood him for a girl just because of his given name. Sydney's a mischievous one. He's always looking for trouble.

They're father's also a worry wart even though he doesn't show it.

Since he's got a daughter now, he was so determined to keep her away from anything that could stain her innocence.

"Sydney!" Their father scolded. "Don't hold her like that!"

Sydney huffed in frustration. "But papa-"

"Porca miseria, Syd." Gabriele hissed. "Just give her to Enzo before she cries."

(Damn it.)

"Language!" Achilles crossed his arms and sternly looked at Gabriele who huffed in annoyance.

Enzo only sighed when the little girl finally cried because of their loud voices.

Sydney pouted and gave her to Enzo who immediately cradled her when she was finally in his arms.

Achilles patted his son's shoulder in glee as Luca's cries began to turn into soft whimpers.

"You're such a mom, Enz." Gabriele snickered causing Enzo to glare at him.

Achilles and Sydney was just relieved that they won't have to hear their little girl's cries that could make all of the toughest of hearts break and shatter.


I do hope you enjoyed it!

I hope that it's alright!

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