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Luca's head hung low in defeat.

She felt tired but she couldn't sleep. She just feels numb. The blindfold was still on her, keeping her other senses heightened.

Luca shivered as the room began to grow cold. It felt icy under her skin and she couldn't stop her teeth from chattering.

Was Mr. Pierre okay?

Kale left a while ago along with his goons. He said that he'll be having a break from playing with his 'toys.' Mr. Pierre made sure that they weren't his play thing.

But that earned him punch.

Now it's only her, Pierre and the freezing dark room.

But it feels like she's all alone. All alone in the dark. She couldn't hear Mr. Pierre or the sound of his chains clanging. It was scaring Luca, the little girl never imagined the silence as something scary. Silence was always peaceful, relaxing and never this scary but now it's filled with the unknown. The dark was also never this scary.

Luca wanted to cry but she believed that there were no more tears to shed.

The little girl sniffled. "M-Mr. Pierre?"

There was no reply. Silence was the only reply that she received. Luca grew desperate again. That was all they ever felt. Helplessness, desperation, fear. It seems like an endless supply of negativity and it's already trying to drown the little girl.



"Mr. Pierre?" She tried again, more urgent this time. She needed a confirmation that Mr. Pierre's still alive.

That Mr. Pierre isn't...

That Kale didn't...

"Mr. Pierre?" She tried again, her teeth chattering as her voice echoed in the darkness. Fear bubbled up again when silence enveloped her. "Mr. Pierre? Please. J-Just a grunt is fine. I-I don't need anything else. I won't ask for anything else but that, Mr. Pierre."

Luca was really desperate.

So many scenarios were playing inside her little head and she couldn't stop it. It was unstoppable. It's scary. This was scary. Everything was scary. She wants to go home with Mr. Pierre and think that this is all a dream.

She wished that it was a dream.

Nothing but a bad and miserable dream.

She heard a chuckle and her heart would've settled almost immediately if it weren't for what he said.

"People would've told us to just hang in there, Luca. They would've told us to hang in there, help is coming." He said, his voice weak and his tone filled with pain. "They're right, you know. We should. I should. But they don't just get this feeling. The feeling of helplessness? This desperation? You feel it too, don't you?"

Luca doesn't know how to answer. She was afraid to answer. She wanted to lie but she agrees with the guard. Luca feels it too that it's so terrifying. That feeling? It dwells inside of you, eats you alive and just slowly kill you like a predator.

Pierre wanted to chuckle. Luca doesn't deserve this. Luca's been brave all this time. All she ever did was cry but she never threatened the man. Kids whose got fortune and fame like her would've been arrogant or they would've cried a fountain but Luca cried for three things: Pierre, her family, and for what kale's been doing to her.

Those brats would've amused Kale. They would really be bratty about this situation or they would be the pessimist.

But not Luca.

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