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Luca sniffled as she sat beside Pierre who was trying not to laugh at her story.

It was obvious that they were that close to saying 'yes' to Luca's adorable pleas.

"Stop laughing... " Luca mumbled and Pierre chuckled in response.

If Kale's torture didn't kill Pierre then Luca's pouts and adorableness will seriously kill him now. Look at how rosy her cheeks are! It was so puffy and cute. And how her nose twitches as she sniffles like a bunny. An innocent white fluffy bunny.

"I'm sorry, princess, it's just adorable. You're adorable."

Luca huffed and wipes her tears. "M' serious, Mr. Pierre..."

"Back to mister again? I thought that we were already past that." The guard groaned. "Come on, Lu, you can't do this to me... "

Luca sighed. "You're awfully... "

Pierre raised a brow. "Whiny? I know, right? High on meds maybe. I like it, don't mind me.  This kinda makes me feel floaty, like m' on cloud nine or somethin' and m' just floatin' on a cotton candy cloud. I hate cotton candy though, tastes awful. Disgustin' things, oh—Oh wait, I'm ramblin' again, aren't I, darlin'? Anyways... Err, so about this friend of yours?"

"Why does daddy hate Thea's fam'ly?" Luca asked innocently. "Did they do something?"

"Yeah... " Pierre slurred. "They did something that you're not ready to hear."

"Why?" Luca whimpered. "Thea was asking for help and papa didn't help her... "

"Oh, Luca, bambi... " He cooed, hand reaching out to wipe her tears. Luca allowed him to. He stared deeply into her endless doe eyes that he just loves. "It has somethin' to do with yer mother and yer gramps, 'kay? That's all I'm willin' to share bu' you'll know the full story once yer all grown up."

Luca wasn't satisfied with that but she nodded and smiled. The smile that Pierre was dying to see all day. He's been lying here on a bed doing nothing!

At least Sydney could help his 'frustrations'. Everyone knows that the man's a monster. Well if you know what he meant by that then good for you but, ah, well, Pierre's just high in meds so who knows what he's talking about, right?

But he still wanted to see Luca. See if she was okay.

And she is.

Thank goodness for that.

Thank goodness for their brave little girl who held a gun at a guy whose named after a veggie while having a gun pointed at her from behind. She must've been terrified. Pierre would've been if he was in her shoes. He might as well piss himself while crying for his shitty life if he was in her shoes and was a six years old kid.

"Awww, tha's the smile I've been waiting for... "

Luca giggled adorably at him. "M' glad you're okay now."

The former slave snorted. "Me? Yer glad that m' safe? M' glad that yer safe!"

Luca held his hand and kissed his knuckles. "Glad that we're both safe... "

Pierre chuckled and closed his eyes. Yeah, Luca could say that again because hell, he's not ready to knock on death's door again. He's not ready to knock on anyone's door for that matter.

He feels like Jell-O. The wobbly thing that Luca loves to eat. Yeah, he feels like that.

No, wait...

That's not quite right too.

He feels like shit.

But whose life isn't shitty?

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