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Luca hid from under her blankets as she heard her door slowly open.

"Oh no... " Came Gabriele's sarcastic voice. "Where's Luca? I can't seem to find her anywhere."

She giggled gleefully and jumped out of her hiding spot.


Gabriele smirked and walked over to her. "There you are, my topolina. I was so worried."

(Little mouse.)

Luca giggled at his endearment, as she let him carry her out of her comfortable bed.

"G'morning, Gabi!" She happily greeted, making him smile at her sweetness.

The man kissed her cheek lovingly, patting her back as the little girl lay her head on her brother's shoulder.

"Morning to you too, dove." He whispered before making his way out of her room and went downstairs for breakfast.

Sydney immediately spotted the two and he immediately ran towards them with a large grin on his face.

Gabriele grumbled while the five year old quickly made grabby hands at Sydney.

"Hello, baby girl. Oh what a complete cutie. Yesh, you are. What a sweetheart!" He cooed, carefully taking Luca away from Gabriele's hold. "Did you have a nice dream?"

"Mhm!" She hummed, wrapping her arms around his neck while looking at him with her eyes sparkling with nothing but pure joy. "I dreamed about ice cweam!"

"Oh really?" Sydney asked, his eyes softening when he saw how their little sister's eyes glimmered with pure love and excitement. "What flavour?"

Gabriele couldn't help but smile at Sydney and Luca. He's the only one who could match up with the little girl's pent up energy after all.


"Your favorite." Sydney hummed, kissing her cheek lovingly. "It's my favorite too."

Luca gasped and shake her head in mock disappointment. "Lying is bad, Juli."

"Yeah. I'm more of a rocky road kind of guy." Gabriele chuckled. "Let's go get breakfast, shall we?"

Luca nodded happily. "To fill up our tummies?"

Sydney grinned. "To our heart's content, short stuff."


"There's Luca!" Enzo exclaimed  reaching out to grab Luca out of Sydney's hold.

Luca immediately hugged her eldest with the biggest smile plastered on her face. "Enzo!"

Enzo sighed, kissing her nose softly.

"Good morning, love." He whispered, cradling her in his arms securely.

"Enzo!" She beamed, looking at him with with a wide smile. "Missed you!"

The eldest couldn't help but chuckle. "Me too."

Sydney pouted. "Am I not missed?"

Gabriele grumbled. Why must the bratty, spoiled rotten, idiot fool talk? Of course they're all missed! She's Luca after all. If she met a squirrel then she'll definitely miss it when it's time to leave the animal. Why must he have to be so talkative and annoying?

"Shut up, fuc—Fudge!" He mumbled incoherent words before grumbling  again. "Augh, couldn't even say that word out loud." He mumbled.

Sydney smirked. "Ha! Sucks to be—Fuck!"

He dodged Gabriele's hand of wrath while the man just shouted nothing but profanities at Sydney.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Enzo scolded with a stern expression, trying to cover Luca's ears as much as possible. "Language!"

The two of them immediately stopped, finally realizing what they did. They began to sweat buckets as they nervously look at Luca slowly.

They have completely forgotten Luca's presence and just went on bickering!

Luca's head was tilted to the side with a smile plastered on her face. Her expression held nothing but fascination.

Sydney gulped. "I'm sorry for the bad words, Lu... "

Gabriele scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh, don't hate us, bambina." Sydney overreactingly cried.

(Baby girl.)

Luca frowned and crossed her arms, looking all serious but she's just a little sweetheart.

"I still love Juli and Gabi."

"Even if they say bad things?" Enzo raised a brow.

Luca nodded. "Eve'one say something bad sometimes but doesn't mean that they're baddies. Gabi and Juli are suuuuuuper nice! I know that!"

They all couldn't help but feel like they're melting.

Is this what heaven would feel because they all felt warm and cozy inside.

"You're gonna kill me someday..." Sydney pouted.

Luca giggled. "Tha's silly. Juli won't die."

He tilted his head to the side. "Why's that? How are you so sure, oh great and wiseful Luca?"

"Cause Luca'll protect eve'one!" She innocently declared seriously.

"You're gonna kill my heart if you keep being so adorable..."

Enzo chuckled and kissed Luca's temple.

Luca hummed in thought.

Luca will kill Juli 'cause she's adorable?

She scrunched up her nose in distaste. "That's unweasoneble."

Gabriele laughed at that. "Yeah that's unreasonable. Where'd you learn that word?"

Luca shrugged. "Papa."

Huh. That's a reasonable answer.

Enzo hummed. "Let's go see Papa, okay?"

Sydney huffed and crossed his arm. "That's it. You're not cute anymore."

Luca pouted. "I don't wan' Juli to die 'cause of Luca. If Juli dies 'cause of me then you won't get tah see Luca being more adorable. Tha'z a huge big no-no! I wan' eve'one tah lib!"

"You want everyone to live?"

Luca nodded stubbornly. "Yeah."

"Then we'll live until we get to see all of your adorableness." Enzo hummed, liking the thought of getting to see her adorableness even if she's all grown up.

"I'm dying from hunger here!" Gabriele said, starting to walk away.

Sydney scoffed. "Ha! You're just embarrassed!"

The idiot laughed while the monster turned around with a lopsided grin.

"Say that to my face, Syd."

Sydney smirked. "An embarrassing fool."

Enzo sighed and began to walk away from the two morons.


Sorry that it took so long to update the story. I was having writer's block...

But thanks for waiting! Here ya go! Chapter 5~

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Love you guys!!

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