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Luca huffed stubbornly, crossing her arms as she looked away from them.

They were at a conference room, built in the mansion. Usually, it's used for papa's 'personal' meetings but papa had to play it dirty by locking all of them in one room.

And that's why Luca's so crossed right now.

"Lu, you've been skipping out on dinner." Achilles exclaimed calmly.

Luca grumbled. "Like that bothered you before."

"Luca, we're just trying to help you." Gabriele said but Luca just continued to grumble.

"What part of this is help?" Luca grumpily huffed, not making eye contact with any of them.

If she made eye contact with any of them then it's over. Her pretty little performance will all just go to waste. The point of this mission is to make them beg. Well, it's to make them see that they can't always get what they want.

Begging sounds like a great idea but it's a little too mean.

"Don't be like that, Luca... " Enzo said softly.

Luca innocently batted her eyelashes at them. "Like what?"

Gabriele sighed. He never witnessed this side of Luca. This is really new to all of them. And honestly, he hate this side of her. This conversation is also feeling useless, it's like they're all going around in circles.

"We're sorry, Luca."

And Sydney just turned into a puppy again. Achilles sighed internally while eyeing his daughter mindfully. But the old man smirked. But I don't mind this side of her at all.

Luca eyed her father carefully before glaring. He shouldn't be enjoying Luca's wrath!  "Papa's looking at me scarily. You're angry at me... "

Enzo and Gabriele looked at their in father in warning and Achilles visibly flinched at their looks.

He laughed nervously. "This childish behavior should stop."

Luca leaned over the desk, placing her chin on the palm of her hand as she hummed in thought. "Eh? But isn't papa the childish one here?"

Achilles blinked owlishly at her. "Me? Bambina, what—"

"You locked the door just for this." She blandly said with a growing smirk on her lips. "Papa's so mean for doing that."

Ah, Achilles was losing a battle.

"But you weren't eating and you were ignoring us. I was just worried, Luca." Achilles tried but Luca was just really ahead of him.

"Mmm... Wonder if papa and Luca's desc'iption of worried is diffe'ent 'cus papa wasn't there when they were mean to me..." Luca gave him a glance and Achilles was just internally screaming for having to lose against his daughter.

That just didn't made him lose, that made his heart break and shatter into a million of pieces.

"But you brought this upon yourself! We were only worried, that's why father did this." Gabriele argued. "You haven't been eating and you were ignoring us!"

Luca shrugged. "I thought that you told me that it was nice to return the favor, Gabi."


Oh, did she actually say that?

Did she actually use Gabriele's own words against himself?

He was so confused and mad at himself. He has never heard Luca talk so...bluntly before.

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