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"Oh, no!" Gabriele shouted in horror as he ran down the stairs to reach his family, who's currently sitting on the floor with a bunch of albums on their hands.

Apparently, Pierre was already allowed to move around. The doctor told him not to strain his body too much since he's still not fully healed.

"What the hell are you doing with those albums?" He demanded but was given a stern glare from their father.

"I thought that I told you to watch what you say when Luca's around, Gabriele?"

The man groaned. "Yes, father. I apologize. I just didn't see my darling little sister."

Luca looked at him and childishly stuck out her tongue.

Amusingly, he did the same.

Achilles had to sigh before shaking his head. "Remind me again, Enzo. How many six years olds am I raising?"

Enzo and Pierre chuckled at him. Enzo answered him. "I believe that you have three if you consider Sydney as one, father."

The said man gave them a look of betrayal. "Enzo... How could you?" He then changed his accent to a more britrish way. "Blimey, my own brother has turned against me. I have never acted as such, brother mine. How dare you accuse me of acting like an utter child."

Everyone gave him unamused looks and Sydney just felt embarrassed all of a sudden.

"W-Why am I getting so many blank stares?" He laughed sheepishly.

Luca giggled adorably. "Because Juli was being silly."

Pierre nodded in agreement. "He was kinda silly, wasn't he, Lu?"

The little girl nodded. "The most silliest!"

Sydney couldn't help but smile at her. "Well, I'm glad that I'm sort of an entertainment to you, m'lady."

Gabriele snorted. "More of a bloody idiot if you ask me." He mumbled.

Sydney glared at him. "You're always such a grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge."

Before he could even begin to realize what he just said, Pierre and Luca cackled loudly, causing confusion to settle in for the rest.

"Oh my–!" Pierre howled in laughter, looking at Luca in shock and amusement while the little girl also laughed loudly. "H-He sang it! He sang it without even realizing it!"

Well, apparently, when Pierre heard Sydney say that, the guard immediately had a mental image of Sydney wearing Dora's clothes.

He imagines him wearing the t-shirt that doesn't fit him and shorts that would've looked stupid with the backpack and everything. Maybe even him saying:

Hola! Soy Sydney!

Maybe Gabriele could be Boots.

And they'd hug like Dora does when she sees Boots.

While Luca, well, the little girl thought that it was funny to hear Sydney say that since he looks all manly and buff and now he didn't even know where that song came from!

And he looks like a kicked puppy while staring at her and Pierre.

"What's so hilarious, piccola?" Enzo asks while hugging Luca closer to him.

Luca shook her head, her laughter slowly dying down. "Juli sang a song in Dora the explorer."

Achilles chuckled then. "Ah, I see. That would be funny isn't it, topolina?"

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