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"Lu? Lu! Y-You're safe! I can't believe it!" 

Before Luca could react, warm and comforting arms were wrapped around her.

She winced at the contact but after a week, she was getting a bit better. Still, she knows that this person hugging her means no harm but she just feels uncomfortable with the contact.

Softly, Luca pushed Matteo's shoulders and apologetically smiled at him. He seemed to understand because he nodded and stared intently into her eyes.

"M' sorry, Matty... " Luca mumbled, looking at her brothers who were keeping a close eye on her from the door frame.

Matteo immediately shook his head. "No! It was my fault, I got worried and I just did that to you all of a sudden, after all that you've been through—"

The little girl giggled, stopping the boy from embarrassing himself. She looked into his blue eyes, and smiled lovingly at him.

"I know... " Luca whispered sadly at him. "It's okay. I'm okay now."

Matteo also gave her his smiles, the one that makes Luca happy.

"May I... " He cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "May I touch you? I-If you're too uncomfortable then I won't! It's fine!"

The little girl stared at him for a moment, a bit scared of the idea but she knows that Matteo doesn't mean any harm. He also asked before doing something that will make her uncomfortable too.

Luca nodded slowly and he reached out for her like he was still scared to see her flinch away from him.

Luckily, she didn't.

And he placed his forehead on hers and placed both of his hands on her cheeks, caressing it softly.

Luca looked deeply into his blue eyes as he looked so relived to even notice her staring at him. His blue eyes intrigues the little girl to no end.

Why is it so pretty?

Like a sky or the ocean?

"Lu-Lu... " He whispered, finally looking up to meet her chocolate doe eyes. "You're okay now. You're okay, I'm glad that you're okay now." It was like he was convincing himself that she really was okay now.

Well, as okay as she'll ever be.

Luca placed her hands on top of his warm ones and nodded. "I'm fine, Matty. Enzy, Gabi, Juli and papa helped me and Mr. Pierre."

"Still... " He whispered. "What if... What if they were too late? I can't lose you."

Luca knitted her brows together. Well, that is a big IF and Luca just couldn't bear the idea of what could happen if Kale proceeded to do more than just kisses and light touches.

The little girl kissed the tip of Matteo's nose instead. She sees him blush and looks at her in shock.

The little girl beamed happily and turned her head to kiss his warm palm. She then shook her head. "It won't happen, dummy. I'm right in front of you now, right? I'm safe with eve'yone."

"Damn right she is." Sydney chirped in and Luca giggled.

Before Matteo could say anything more, an annoying cockroach walked in. Well, more like he shoved Luca's brothers out of the way and shoved Matteo away from Luca.

The poor boy stumbled away from the little girl in surprise.

"Oh, my goodness, honeybee!" Harley cooed, smart enough to not hug her yet. But his hands were all over the place, it was driving everyone insane. "I flew halfway around the world just to see if you're okay, honeybee. Are you okay?"

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