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When Achilles got home, something immediately felt wrong.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to find a reason as to why he was feeling something wrong.

He trudged inside his mansion. His mind was silently panicking about something but it's not telling him what it was.

When he saw Enzo, he immediately called out for him.

"Good evening, father." He greeted with a small nod.

Achilles raises his hand and questioned him immediately. "Enzo, where's your sister?"

He blinked in surprise at his father's tone but he immediately sobered up and covered his surprise into a monotonous look.

"She's upstairs."

No. No, that wasn't quite right.

His senses were telling him that this was something about his little daughter.

It was his father senses that's kicking in.

"Is she okay?"

Enzo looked at him in confusion. "Yes, of course."

"Have she eaten anything yet?" He further asked and Enzo narrowed his eyes at his father.

Is he accusing him of irresponsibility? Enzo have always made sure that Luca gets three meals a day.

Of course, she already ate something.

She's got three brothers to check on her

"Enzo." His father's cold tone made him flinch. "I'm asking you something simple. Why are you hesitating?"

Why was he hesitating?

When he actually thought of it, he wasn't the one checking Luca if she ate three meals a day. He was doing loads work and has been taking care of Ali.

When was the last time he tucked her in?

"I don't know."

Achilles clicked his tongue. He kept his anger at bay though. There was no point in lashing out on Enzo.

But that didn't mean that his father mode's not on.

"You're the eldest out of your three siblings, Enzo. They are your top most priority and seeing as you failed that." He gripped his son's shoulder with an iron grip. "I don't care if you're babysitting that insect but that's is not our concern. They are not our concern and I don't give a damn about them or their situation. The only reason we're helping them is because of what they'll offer.  But they're just dirty rats living under our roof, begging like fucking beggars. Helpless and disgusting. They get to eat and sleep but we don't babysit their children, do you understand me? Are you seriously playing host for them? Is that how it is? Oh, don't stoop so low for them, my son, you're seriously making your brain smaller than it already is."

Achilles then chuckled when he felt his son's shoulders tense. His eyes glimmered dangerously as he gripped his shoulder tighter.

Enzo knows better than to mess with his father while he's in this mood.

It would seriously cause him his head.

"No, sir." Enzo mumbled.

Achilles scoffed, letting Enzo go.

"Go check on your sister and get me your brothers." Achilles sighed, shaking his head. "I'm dissapointed in you, Enzo. You carry my name and you should carry it with pride. Non ho cresciuto mio figlio per prendermi cura di qualcuno che non è un Cattaneo, stronzo."

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