Jingle bells!

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"Enzo, I don't think that she's old enough to appreciate—"

"Well, it's our first Christmas with her so at least let me do this." Enzo said while he covered a huge Christmas tree with ornaments and lights.

The tree could reach second floor with how big it was.

Well, Luca enjoys it. She was squealing and jumping in Pierre's embrace while clapping her hands at the pretty lights and the sparkly Christmas ornaments.

Pierre had to sigh.

The whole house looked like Santa sneezed a whole bunch of glitters and pretty little goodies and it was making Pierre nauseous.

Enzo really went too far.

"I think it's pretty." Sydney mused.

"Pepapa ba!" Luca agreed.

Pierre softly scolded Luca for agreeing to his brother before looking at Sydney to scold him as well for encouraging his eldest brother. It is pretty but it was getting out of hand and it would be more harder to clean this mess if he continues. But when he saw the kid looking at him and not the Christmas tree, his anger dissipated. Sydney was looking at him.

Sydney was staring.

Pierre had to look away slowly, swallowing the thoughts of Sydney as being a complete creep.

"Piyah!" Luca squealed excitedly, pulling his hair and jumping up and down in his arms while pointing at the atrocious tree. "Piyah! Piyah! Tata! Pababa!"

"Ow! L-Luca!" Pierre huffed while trying to keep her still and removing her hand away from his hair. "Luca, calm down, I can see the tree!"

When Gabriele entered, his horror was heard.

"Hey! What the fuck happened in here!" Gabriele demanded in horror. "Fuck, this is too much!"

Pierre had to agree with him.

"Language!" Enzo glared, glancing at their little girl, whose eyes were wide and amazed at the tree, drool was falling down at the corners of her mouth while she stared.

Gabriele face palmed. "Enzo." He said, trying to take a calm breath in.

Luca turned to Gabriele with a huge toothy smile plastered on her face. "Gaba!" She pointed at the tree with her eyes sparkling with nothing but pure joy. "Albeba!"

Gabriele flashed her soft smile. "It's albero, baby."

Everyone seemed to know what Luca had blubbered out while Pierre looked confused.


Enzo turns to look at Pierre, giving him a sympathetic smile. "It means tree in Italian."

Pierre nodded, feeling suddenly prideful for Luca. "What a smart girl, how'd you know that word, huh?"

Luca smiled at him coyly.

Gabriele looks at Enzo again. "How did our house turn into Santa Claus' workshop?"

Enzo, however, just smiled at his brother. "Why, thank you!"

"That's not a compliment, Enzo!" Gabriele trudged towards Enzo. "Do you want that creepy old dude to come?"

Enzo just looks at him in confusion. "Santa Claus?"

"Yes! Santa freaking Claus! The weirdo, that creepy old man who magically flies from houses to houses!" Gabriele huffed in frustration. "What if Luca gets traumatized?"

Luca squealed happily, an obvious sign that she was far from being traumatized.

"Well, I doubt it." Pierre exclaimed with a chuckle. He then looks at the lights and decorations. "She's ecstatic to see this."

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