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"Lu..." Sydney exclaimed as he kneeled down in front of Luca who's got her knees and arms crossed. Pierre was beside Luca, acting like a knight in shining armor as the little girl sat at a throne like chair that she got for Christmas.

(Don't ask. Pierre doesn't know why she got a throne for a Christmas present but it works well in situations like this. ^_^ )

"Don't do that." She whispered in despair. "Please d-don't do that, Sydney... "

Sydney's eyes were filled with nothing but sadness and regret as he moved closer to Luca.

"Luca, please. Hear us out. Just once, baby."

Pierre just made a face and stopped Sydney from moving too close.

"Stop it, Syd." Pierre warned, looking down on Sydney.

Sydney looked at him and Pierre saw the regret and guilt burning through his eyes and he just couldn't help but feel bad about Sydney's state.

"No, no, no. I hate you." Luca exclaimed, her brave facade was starting to break when she saw Sydney's state herself. "I-I hate... You."

Pierre could really see Luca trying her best not to cry. She was forcing herself to say it. To say the one thing that makes both siblings feel pain.

"Y-You promised me, Juli... " Luca whispered, her voice was breaking. "You never break your promises... "

Sydney sniffled sadly. "I swear, baby, I swear that I didn't mean to do it. I didn't—I didn't know... I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for neglecting you. For ignoring you. I promise that I won't break any promises anymore. I swear on my life, Lu."

Sydney was like a prince to everyone. If he wished for something then everybody will move to abide his wishes. He's charismatic with all the gender. Nobody wants to mess around with someone like him because he's frightening when enraged.

But when he's with Luca?

When he's the cause of her sadness?

The Sydney that everybody love and support will just fade and it turns into a blob full of unexpected surprises. And Pierre just gets to see it all

Luca gave him a blank look before looking away from Sydney. "I don't believe in someone who break their promises. They're not trustwo'thy."

Sydney's eyes widened. "B-But, Luca..."

"No!" Luca groaned and leaned casually back at her throne. She glared dangerously at him. Her eyes were glinting in a frightening way.

Pierre internally shivered. He doesn't want to mess with her when she's like this.

When did she change into a scary person? She was adorable before. But wait, maybe she was already like this. Maybe she just didn't want to show it.

Oh, that's just scary.

"Sydney, stop it already." Luca ordered. "I don't wanna do this but you deserve this. Y-You bweak my pwomise and I'm still upset 'bout it." She pouted.

When Luca stuttered and when her pronunciation went off again, she flushed and narrowed her brows together in disappointment.

Sydney slowly stood up and meekly nodded. "I'm sorry, bambina, really... "

Luca crossed her arms and never said anything more.


"Hey, Lu..." Gabriele awkwardly called, scratching the back of his neck. "Do you want to... Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

It was as if she didn't hear him, she just continued writing something on a piece of paper.

Obviously, that made Gabriele more nervous and awkward. "Uhh...It'll be your favorite movie, Lu. You know, The Lion King..."

When she didn't respond, Gabriele grew desperate. "Luca, please, don't do this to me, love. Don't make me beg like Sydney. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. No words could describe how sorry I am and I'm already reflecting on what I did. Please give me something other than this silence, bambi."

When Luca didn't speak, Gabriele rubbed his face in displeasure. He wasn't really good with emotions. Especially when he's handling his sister. That's more of Enzo's forte but he loves his sister so if he needs to beg then so be it.

"Luca... " He tried again. "Luca please."

Luca stood up at her chair and then gave him the price of paper. Luca then walked away without even saying goodbye.

"Luca!" Gabriele tried to call out but his words fell on deaf ears.

He looked at the piece of paper then slowly opened up the paper. He was immediately greeted by Luca's messy handwriting.


I dont want to speak to Gabi. I don't wanna watch with you. You didn't want to play with me before, I don't need to watch a movie with you now.


"Shit, fucking, damn it!" Gabriele cursed loudly as he crumpled up the paper and took a handful of his hair in anger.

What has he done to Luca?



Enzo knocked on the little girl's door, not really sure on what to say.

"Luca?" He called but all he got was silence. He sighed and knocked again. "Lu, please, you haven't been talking to us lately and Pierre said that you've been skipping dinner... "

When there was silence again, he turned around and let himself fall to the ground. Enzo leaned his head back at the door.

"I know that you're angry." He then scoffed at that. Mad? Maybe she's more than mad. "Maybe you're more than just mad but you have every reason to be, sweetheart. I know that what we did was unreasonable and stupid. We should've hired someone to take care of the baby but she reminded us of you."

He then clenched his fist.

"And that also sounds unreasonable but it's the truth. Ali's still a baby, Luca. Matteo couldn't take care of her. He's still too young and her mother's with Uncle Lucian, also taking care of this situation. I know that we should've really hired someone to do the job but Ali... Ali was hopeless and little, just like you when you were born, a-and my instincts just kicked in. And Luca, I swear, I didn't mean to ignore you. I never intended to ignore you. You're still my favorite girl. You're still my sister. Ali will never replace that. She'll never replace you."

Enzo sighed and then closed his eyes.

He knew that it was his fault that Luca's not talking. She was just ignoring them all day and that hurts. They know that they neglected their little sister and Enzo couldn't imagine what Luca must've gone through.

Their excuse was unreasonable! She was badly hurt.

What if she thought that they abandoned her?


They would never do that to Luca. She's too precious to abandon.

But didn't you just do that?

Didn't you just abandon her?

Please. He thought gravely. Don't make her hate us. Please.


I have mixed emotions about this chapter. I've been re-writing it but something just didn't add up.

Still, I hope that you guys enjoyed it.

Tell me what you guys think.

Love you guys, stay safe!

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