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Achilles sighed tiredly. He's got a meeting at about an hour and his little troublemaker's making it harder for him to leave.

"Darling, daddy's got to leave." Achilles explained calmly. "Besides, it's time for your nap now, Luca."

Luca's eyes were watery, she was sniffling and wailing. Her eyes were red, cheeks were puffy and her voice was so broken from all of her desperate begs and pleas. Luca was pulling Achilles away from the door.

"No, papa!" She cried, shaking her head.

"Luca... " He stressed. "I need to go."

She was really begging him. It really broke his heart into pieces when he saw this. It was like his heart was crushed into pieces and he couldn't even get mad at her.

"No! Stay, please!"

The reason why she got so upset was because of her brothers. Usually, they'll say goodbye to Luca whenever they leave but today they were in a hurry, leaving her to panic. Sydney or Enzo didn't even come by to her her room to wake her up like the usual. She was so upset and it followed by a tantrum which rarely happens.

Achilles sighed.

He was already late for a meeting. He could've leave Luca with the maids but seeing her like this made his heart shout in disapprovement for thinking about the meeting.

"Okay..." He breathed, carrying Luca protectively in his arms. "Shhh, shh. Daddy's got you, darling. It's going to be okay... I won't leave you alone. I won't leave you alone, sweetheart, don't cry."

Luca sniffled weakly, desperately wiping her tears away. Whispering 'don't leave' over and over again.

Achilles went straight to her room and gently plopped her down on the bed, she didn't let go of his neck though and he sighed and laid down beside her. She changed her hold and now she was holding his crippled suit tightly..

Luca snuggled up close and her cries turned into whimpers and Achilles have started to pat her waist softly.

'Well, I can't go to work now.' He thought gravely.

"Papa...? " She sniffled sadly.

He hummed. "What is it, Lu?"

"Papa, don't leave... "

"I won't, love. Papa's here. I'm here, bambina."

"Papa will stay with Luca?" She was hopeful that it made his heart shatter.

"Papa will stay. I promise." He swore, wiping her tears away.

Luca believed him. She snuggled closer and nodded. "D-Don't break the pwomise... "

"I won't, love. I won't because papa promised. Papa promised Luca that he won't leave, right?"He whispered softly, kissing the crown of her head. "So don't cry, my dear. Don't cry, it breaks my heart, la mia bambina."

She sniffled.

"I-It does?"

Achilles smiled softly. "It does, sweetheart. I don't like my sweetheart crying."

"M' sorry... "

"Oh, it's okay, dove." He said softly. "It's not your fault, right? It's okay... "

Her bottom lip wobbled but she kept her tears away and nodded.

Luca was trying to be brave and that made his heart ache more.

"M' sorry, papa." She whispered sadly. "M' not brave... "

"Oh baby, no, no, that's not true." He comforted, kissing the crown of her forehead. "You're so strong, bambina. Always so strong. And I know that you're the better superhero than I am. You're my super hero, Luca, so always be brave for me, okay?"


Achilles nodded. "My greatest superhero in the whole wild world so don't cry, little one, it's going to be okay."

Luca's eyes shimmered at his words and determination was immediately latched onto her eyes as she nodded.

Achilles could see the sleepiness in her eyes and how red her eyes were.

A sudden thought popped inside of his head and he wanted to just think of anything but that thought but from the looks of Luca, she would never let her father go.

Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma

He sang, patting his daughter softly to sleep. Maria would always sing this song to their sons whenever she's got the time to tuck them in. It was her favorite Italian lullaby and she loved singing it.

Sadly, she didn't get to sing it to Luca.

Fa la ninna bel bambin,
Fa la nanna bambin bel

Luca's eyes were getting droopy and her grip on Achilles was slowly weakening. The man smiled at her adorableness and he wiped the remaining tears falling on her puffy red cheeks.

Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma.

It was sad.

This song was supposed to be Maria's song. She was supposed to sing this to Luca but the cold reality was dawned upon Achilles when he finally finished the song.

She will never come back to sing this to Luca.

She will never get to see Luca grow up.

She will never get to know Luca.

And that made Achilles hug his sleeping daughter closer.


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