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Luca cried as she tries to get away from an angry Gabriele. His face was red.

"No!" She whined when the man finally got her.

"Ha!" He smirked proudly. "No where to run."

Luca cried louder as she thrashed against his hold. He grumbled as he went towards the bathroom.

"Lemmi go!" She weakly whimpered. "Gabi! Lemme go!"

"No!" He stubbornly said. "I'll make you get into this bathtub even if it kills me!"

Luca cried, weakly slapping her brother's shoulder.

"You need to take a bath." He said, trudging towards the bathtub, filling it up with water. "Believe me, I also don't wanna do this, kiddo."

"Then don't!" She whined, looking at the water in pure horror. "Don't, Gabi."

Seriously, this kid. She's making his heart cry. He knows that she doesn't like bath time. It's her most hateful things to do and he knows that.

"I know." Gabriele cooed, patting her back comfortingly. "I know, bambina. I know it's scary but you need a bath, okay? Can you be brave for me, love?"

It's a side that Gabriele rarely shows. He just couldn't show this side of his. Maybe it's the embarrassment talking. In the first place, he didn't really thought that he'll have a sister because he thought that they'll get another brother who'll need to be toughen up.

Still, Luca's a blessing.

Luca sniffled, tightening her hold on him. "Be here?"

"What?" He doesn't understand.

"Stay? Gabi, stay... " She mumbled, then added. "Please."

He nodded, kissing her temple. "Of course, topolina."


"Oh, look who's here." Sydney said as he approached the two. "Hi, Luca." He cooed, securely grabbing Luca out of Gabriele's hold.

Luca's wearing a cute lion onsie with her hoodie already up, she's got rosy cheeks and red nose from all her crying and shouting. She was still sniffling but otherwise she's good.

"Was the bath scary?" Luca nodded, hugging Sydney tightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He softly apologize. "I'm sorry baby. Was Gabi scary too?"

"I wasn't!" The said man grumbled.

Sydney snickered.

Luca giggled adorably, her chocolate eyes were glimmering with mirth. "Gabi's nice."

"That's good, right?" Sydney asked and Luca nodded again.

"Where's Enz?" Luca mumbled curiously.

"Enzo's with papa, baby." Sydney answered, rocking Luca softly while rubbing her back. The little girl placed her head on his shoulder. "Sleepy?"

"Mmhm... " She hummed. "S' it nap time?"

"Almost. We're waiting for Enzo to tuck you in." Gabriele answered, crossing his arms and huffing. "You said that you wanted us to tuck you in, right?"

"And tell story too." Luca added making Sydney chuckle.

"And tell a story too." Sydney repeated with a fond smile.

"Missed you." Luca said again. "Been gone for... Three months. Me and papa got lonely."

Sydney gave Gabriele a look before looking back at his sister again.

"Us too."

"Sorry I'm late." Enzo announced his presence with his cheeks flushed. "Dad was...  Well, let's just say that our conversation was uncomfortable."

"If it was about an arranged marriage then don't worry, I had that conversation as well." Gabriele shrugged. "No biggie."

"Yeah right. You were the one who madly barged into my room and talked about marriage and commitment and that's a conversation that I didn't want to hear."

"What's an awanged mawage?" She scrunched up her nose when she didn't get her pronunciation right.

Everyone froze.

Oh right. Luca was still there.

Gabriele and Sydney looked at Enzo and he just widened his eyes in surprise. His cheeks were starting to turn pink again as he stuttered.

"Uh... Well.... " He mumbled, trying to find the right words to describe what it was. "That is... Um..."

"It's a secret." Sydney said quietly, saving Enzo's future embarrassment. "It's for adults only."

Luca hates it when they tell her that it's for adults. That's unfair. Totally and completely unfair.

"Will I get an awanged mawage too?"

It was as if their world fell apart when those words came out of her mouth. Their little sister, their only little girl, having an arranged marriage is absurd! Images of Luca having an arranged marriage have began to illuminate in their minds and horror have started to dwell inside if them.

"Bambina no!" Sydney refused immediately, forcing Luca to look at his horrified expression.

The little girl blinked in surprise.

"Nevermind that! You can definitely not marry!" Gabriele sternly ordered with determination made in unbreakable hope. "Never!"

Luca frown. "Why?"

"Because you're too young." Enzo said softly. "We don't want you to grow up too fast, okay?"

Luca may not understand their panic but she still nodded, giving a bit of a comfort to her brothers.

"Promise us!" Gabriele said, panic was still boiling inside of him. "Promise us that you won't get married."

Huh. What if an arranged marriage is important?

"No!' Luca huffed, crossing her arms stubbornly. "No, nevah."

"Never?" Enzo mumbled and sighed.

"Baby!" Sydney cried. "I won't let you go! I won't give your heart to a man!"

"She's too young to be having this conversation. Let it go." Enzo stressed with a frown plastered on his face. He securely grab Luca away from Sydney.

"Let's go, topolina. Let's get you to bed." Enzo said, leaving two baffled idiots.


I apologize for any mistakes, I kinda rushed this!

But I hope you enjoyed it! Loved it!

Tell me what you guys think! I've always enjoyed reading your comments about a chapter uwu

See you guys next time!

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