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Still 5 years ago

Pierre leaned over the edge of the bathtub and grinned down at the bubble monster sitting inside

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Pierre leaned over the edge of the bathtub and grinned down at the bubble monster sitting inside.

"You usually cry at the sight of water but look at you now." Pierre said with a grin, propping his chin in his hand as he watch Luca splash the mountain of bubbles with mirth. There was a small mound of bubbles above Luca's freshly washed hair which Pierre was glad that she didn't wipe it away yet.

He's pretty sure that Luca doesn't notice the bubble hat on top of her head.

Thanks to cutie pie in the bathtub, Pierre was given loads of 'cute baby girl in the bubbly bath' pictures, which he would always look at whenever he's feeling gloomy.

"Ba na!" Luca squealed, pushing aside mountains of bubbles to reveal her beloved bath toy. Specially made for her, of course.

The cute little rubber bunny was floating innocently. Luca squealed again and showed Pierre her toy.

The teen smiled and nodded. "That's right, Luca. It's a bunny. Bu-nny."

"Ba na!"

Pierre chuckles and shook his head. "No, no. It's bunny. Bu-nny, darling. Bunny."

Luca gurgles and splashes the rubber toy into the water. She seems so happy to have her little toy with her. "Ba na!"

Pierre sighed in defeat and smiled softly at Luca. He pinched her adorable rosy cheek, causing her to erupt in laughter. "Good job, kiddo."

"Piyah, ba na!"

Pierre's chest was filled with warmth at the sound of his own name in the adorable high-pitched voice of his precious Luca. Pierre's cheeks was hurting from all his smiling but Luca was just too adorable for this cruel world.

"Yeah, baby." He dipped his finger into the bubbly mess and then blew it, making the bubbles scatter into the air for a brief moment of time. Luca turned into a squealing giggling mess though. She tries to copy what Pierre had down but she just only made a lot of mess.

Luca blinked in surprise though when Pierre dabbed some onto the baby's nose. She scrunched her nose in amusement before rubbing a wet hand over her button nose in attempt to wipe the bubble off.

After they were done, Pierre wrapped Luca in a fluffy hooded towel and pulled the plug to let the water drain out.

He carefully tuck her head into the hood properly. Luca gurgles happily and snuggled right when Pierre tucked her into one arm so he could use the other to dry her off.

Luca snuggled into his shoulder. Pierre kissed her temple.  "You're such a darling, aren't ya, little bug?"

"Ba ba dya!"

"Still don't know what that means but I'm taking that as a 'yes.'" Pierre teased playfully before kissing her damp forehead again. "You're such a darling and you know that don't you? Such a precious little girl."

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