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"Oh, Luca! I said be careful!" Sydney said for the umpteenth time while carrying a chair towards the living room.

Luca nodded happily. "I know, Juli!"

"If you knew then why do you keep running?" He grumbled.

"Why do you keep telling me?"

"Because you keep running!"

Sydney was carrying chairs towards the living room while Luca carried a wide blanket. She keeps tripping though and it was making Sydney's heart flip in worry.

She'll be the reason for his death one day.

He has a lot to accuse her for his death. Her cuteness for example, her pout, her clumsiness, Luca's cherry chubby cheeks, Luca being a magnet for trouble, Luca getting lost so easily in crowded places and so many more.

Sydney placed down the chair. He wiped the beads of sweat and grabbed the wide blanket from Luca. He then placed the blanket on top of the four chairs, making a mock ceiling.

The man huffed. "Making a fort is hard."

Luca went inside and squealed. There were a lot of pillows inside to make it more comfortable. They also brought chips and a laptop to watch Netflix.

Sydney smiled at Luca. She was rolling around, hugging her favorite carrot pillow.

"I'm going to close the lights now." Sydney exclaimed, walking towards the switch. "Open the Christmas lights, okay?"

"If Enzy sees this mess then we'll be very screwed." Luca giggled, still doing what she was told.

Sydney snorted, closing the lights. The living room immediately went dark. The only light available were the Christmas lights flashing with different kinds of color. "Well, you joined in so we won't be very screwed."

"I dunno 'bout that." Luca gave him a cheeky smile. "You're the adult one here, Juli, so if Enzy gets mad, you're the one who's screwed."

He raises a brow in amusement while he walked back towards their fort without tripping. "Oh, you traitor and where did you learn the word screwed? That's bad."

Luca shrugged. "From Gabi. And it's not bad unless Enzy or Gabi is here."

Sydney crawled inside the fort while processing what she said. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you just saying that because you think that I'll agree with you?"

"Juli, don't be silly. I know that you'll agree with me."

Sydney laid down with a grunt and nodded lazily. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"Oh, that's not right."

Luca looked up and smiled widely at an annoyed Pierre. "Hi, Mr. Pierre!"

"My lady, you shouldn't say such crude things." Pierre reprimanded.

Luca tilted her head to the side. "Crude?"

He gave her a pointed look. "You know what that means. Quit playing innocent."

Pierre then looked at Sydney expectantly.

The man lazily raised his arms in defense. "Luca wanted it, darlin'."

"Don't call me that." He sighed, shaking his head. "And if Enzo sees this, he'll throw a fit!"

"Awww... But we'll clean it afterwards... " Luca pouted and damn it, she's using her puppy dog eyes. Her eyes were sparkling with nothing but adorableness. "I promise!"

Pierre grumbled in defeat before trudging towards the fort. "Move, you despicable monster."

Sydney moved closer to Luca and grinned at Pierre. "Aww, I love you too, honeybear."

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