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"Enzo!" Luca immediately ran towards Enzo when her eyes landed on him.

The man looked relieved when he saw her. He immediately kneeled down and opened his arms to welcome her.

She hugged him tightly and giggled. "How's camping with Aunty Tasha?"

"Camping?" Gabriele scoffed. "More like road to hell."

Sydney jabbed his sides causing Gabriele to give him his infamous withering glare.

"What?" He demanded. "Don't tell me that you're not agreeing with me, Syd."

Enzo ignored them and just kissed her temple and protectively carrying her in his arms.

"But that doesn't matter now. We're here." Sydney said, sighing. "Safe... And well... Alive."

"Barely." Gabriele scoffed.

Luca hummed. "Gabi's exegirt... "

She immediately knitted her brows together when she couldn't pronounce it. Everyone was looking at her like a hawk when she tried again.

"Exegireting... Exager... Exigerat... Exegiri..." She tried but it was no use, she huffed adorably, pouting in disappointment before letting her head fall on Enzo's shoulder in defeat.

Enzo patted her back in comfort. "Exaggerating?"

Luca nodded furiously. "Yeah. That!"

"Oh, I'm not exaggerating, darling." Gabriele huffed. "I'm serious."

It's true that Tasha was pretty much mad at what they've done. She babbled on and on about being irresponsible adults. Enzo was sure that his ears were bleeding.

But now, they're here with Luca.

They're sweet little bambina. They're whole body just relaxed when the saw the youngest bounced in excitement when her beautiful doe eyes landed on them.

"Give me, Lu. I need a recharge." Gabriele said, slowly and protectively getting Luca out of Enzo's hold.

Enzo briefly glared at him before shaking his head.

Gabriele sighed in relief and snuggled closer to her. She smelled like vanilla and strawberries.

Luca tilted her head to the side in amusement. She then patted both of Gabriele's cheeks, surprising him.

"What're you doing?" Gabriele was more amused than annoyed.

"Rechargin' Gabi, silly." She giggled with her eyes sparkling with pure youth and love. She patted her head like a person would with a dog or a cat. "There, there. S' 'Kay now. You're safe and alive. Missed you so much, Gabi. Don't go anywhere again, 'Kay? I was super worried!"

Sydney chuckled adoringly at her. "How worried are you?"

Luca stretched both of her arms. "Thiiiiiis worried. I was super worried! I was super duper worried!"

Sydney walked closer and kissed her chubby cheeks. "I was worried too."

Luca frowned. "Bu' I was fine and I was with Pierre, Matty, Ali and Harls!"

"Harls?" They all asked in unison.

Luca nodded. "My cousin. I didn't know that I had one!"

Sydney smiled and ruffled her hair. "Was he good to you?"

Luca nodded. "He was super nice! He was like Enzo but younger!"

"Oh... " Gabriele turned to look at Enzo with a teasing smirk. "Looks like your apprentice came to save the day."

"Oh, shut up." Enzo rolled his eyes. "He's not my apprentice."

Sydney raised a brow. "Wasn't that the kid who called you teacher after he saw you with  Lu?"

"He doesn't call me teacher!"

"Right." Gabriele said but it was obvious that he was teasing him. "Okay. Whatever you say, compadre."

"I'm not your compadre!"

Luca tilted her head to the side. "Wha's a co'padre?"

"Compadre, my love." Sydney corrected. "And it means friend."

Luca nodded in understanding before grinning. "We're all friends! We're all compadres!"

Nobody's going to argue with that because when Luca's smiling at them like what she was doing right now then they won't argue with her.

Luca then noticed something. "Where's Papa? And Matty and Harls?"

"Well, father is arranging something with the Colombo family and that is why Matteo and Ali are missing. Tasha already took Harley while you were taking your nap." Sydney explained and Luca immediately deflated.

"Matty is leaving, isn't he?" She asked in disappointment.

"Oh, bambina... " Enzo softly said while Gabriele hugged her closer, comforting her. "You'll still get to see them. Don't worry."

"Even Harls?" She hoped, her eyes slightly brightened.

"Even that kid that Enzo's having a hard time saying that he's his apprentice." Gabriele confirmed, nodding seriously.

Enzo glared at him. "For the last time, he is not my apprentice!"

"Shhh, mama bear, shush." Sydney sassily said.

"Don't shush me!" Enzo huffed.

The fact that he didn't get angry at being called mama bear was a good thing.

Luca on the other hand, brightened after the thought of Matty and Harls coming for a visit again, she then babbled on and on about their little adventures while they were away and just hearing her talk made them forget what they've went through.

But still, they got Luca now.

And that's enough now.


Yeah, I'm stirring this into the more fluffy side now! If I continued the anger and the sins of what they've done to Luca then we'll get off topic! Don't worry, there'll be more angst along the road ;)

Ah, other than that, I hope that you guys enjoyed this! It's a short one but it's filled with love! ♥

What do you guys think?

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