The interruption

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⭕⭕Warning, read it at your own risk. ⭕⭕

Pierre and Sydney.

Enjoy <3

Sydney panted, craning his head to the side for Pierre to place hot, sloppy kisses that seems to make him writhe helplessly underneath him.

Pierre chuckled, giving him a peck on the lips, his tongue lingering inside his mouth as he did so. It made Sydney mewl with need. It made his hunger more intense.

The man wanted, more than anything else, to see Sydney snap. To see him lose control, to make him beg.

"Pierre, please... " Sydney panted heavily. He hates begging but when it comes to Pierre, he'd beg if it needs to. Pierre makes him beg, he makes him feel more helpless, more desperate. "Please, please... Ahh... "

Pierre rose from his job and chuckled deviously at his young lover. "Now, now, good things come to those who wait, darling."

"No, I want you n-now, Pie-Ah...!" He gasped when his lover's hand dipped below, leaving ghostly touches, massaging them slowly, making Sydney go insane.

It was excruciating slow.

Sydney saw how Pierre dangerously licked those red, bruised bottom lip of his before giving it a sinful bite, knowing too well that it was making Sydney want him more. His eyes were glinting with lust and he stared down at him, telling him that he was the top and oh, goodness, his beautiful sculpted body was glistening with sweat and he was all his. His alone.

Pierre smirked when he saw Sydney staring, feeling him hard against him again. Pierre then started placing kisses down his body, taking his time, making him feel loved. Sydney shuddered when his lover was at the place where he wanted him the most.

"What do you want?" Pierre demanded, playing with the hem of his boxers. His hot breath tickled his his member as he looked at Sydney in the most sexiest way possible. "Tell me what you want, Sydney. Say it to me."

Fuck, he's so hot.

"I-ahh, baby, please, please... "

Pierre's touches was slow.

Too slow for him.

Sydney arched his back with need.

"Tell me... " Pierre demanded, clearly ecstatic at Sydney's obvious pain. "Tell me what you want."

"Ahh! I want you, I-I want you-please...!" He begged. "I want... Want...fuck... Want you to make a mess of me... Make a mess of me, shit."

"Good boy. My good little slut." Pierre breathed in his ear, his voice was hoarse and low. He finally gave Sydney his full attention, palming it roughly through the fabric of his boxers, making Sydney sigh in relief and also groan in displeasure. He wants him to touch it. He wants him to put it in his hot, wet mouth.

but he's so close. So close.



"I need you. I'm so ready to feel your big, thick, throbbing... Mmm." Pierre cut off his sentence as he gave him a needy whine, obviously teasing Sydney.

Pierre was so beautiful, so desirable when he's like this, controlling him like this, making him fucking beg for his needs.

Their eagerness showed by the frantic harshness of Sydney's breath with Pierre's.

Something inside Sydney snapped and he immediately pulled Pierre down the mattress causing Pierre to smirk up at him.

Now, Sydney was the one on top.

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