Chapter One

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Melody's P.O.V

I wake up in our new bed, in our small cottage, I feel a big strong, muscular arm placed over my body holding me close and steady. I doubt the man laid beside was going to let me leave our bed for a while, I bring his hand to my lips and kiss each other his fingers gently causing him to stir.

"Morning Little Mel~," He says in his husky morning voice and I turn around onto my stomach and look at my husband to be, Ban the Fox Sin of Greed.

I smile at him, "Morning Mini Human Giant," I reply, "Sleep well?" I ask.

"Always when I'm with you," He says and sits up, my cheeks get hot as I see he's shirtless. No matter how many times I see his body, I always get a little shy. He looks at me and grins, "See something you like?"

"Buzz off, Greed," I giggle and roll out of bed walking to my dressing. I pick up my brush and remove all the knots from my hair.

Ban leaves our room, probably to make breakfast, "Melody! You might want to come downstairs!" Ban calls out.

I look to the door and grab my shall wrapping it around me as I leave our bedroom. I walk downstairs and see papa, Meliodas, and Elizabeth stood in the main room, "Morning Papa and Elizabeth," I smile at them, "I know I gave you a spare key, but I never expected you to walk in when we're sleeping," I say with a smile.

"My father requests the presence of the Seven... Sorry I mean... Eight Deadly Sins," Elizabeth says with a smile, "And Sir Meliodas didn't want to wake you both in case..."

"You were busy," Papa grumbles and I hear sizzling from the kitchen, "So... How's nearly married life?" He asks.

"It's really nice," I smile, "And peaceful... When he isn't drunk or come home with stuff stolen... Other than that... It's nice," I giggle.

Ban walks in with two plates and puts them on the table, "Sorry Cap'n I forgot to ask, do you and the Princess want any breakfast?" Ban asks.

"No thank you, Sir Ban, already eaten," Elizabeth says.

"No, already eaten," Papa says, "Both of you enjoy but don't take too long."

I sit down at the table and Ban gets us two glasses of water. He sits opposite me, "So, Sir Ban..." Ban looks at Elizabeth as he chews his food, "Enjoying life in the cottage?"

"Yes... It's great," Ban says and looks at me as I eat, "How is it?"

"Awkward... Papa watching us like a hawk," I chuckle.

"I might tie him up like Hawk does to me, in a moment," Papa threatens with a grin looking at Ban, who smirks shaking his head.

"Behave, papa," I say and look at Elizabeth, "So, do you have any idea what King Bartra wants?" I ask.

"Usually a mission of some kind," Papa says, "That the usual Holy Knights can't do."

I nod and finish my cooked breakfast then drinks my water. I take my dishes to the kitchen and start washing my plate and glass. Ban walks in handing me his plate and glass before wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder as I wash up with a smile, "So adorable," He whispers and kisses my cheek.

"Come on," I say and look up at him, "Let's get ready to go," I add and we head to our room ignoring papa's protests of us being alone together, "You would think we're just dating with how he is acting."

Ban chuckles and gets dressed into his red leather outfit, "Tell me about it, you're still his little girl... No matter what happens, always his little girl," Ban answers and turns to me, "But, it'll never stop me."

"I'm glad to hear it," I say and get changed into my outfit of the day.

Ban looks me up and down and smiles, "Are you trying to kill me?" He asks and I walk to him tilting my head, "Your dad will kill me for allowing you to wear that."

"But you can't die so you allow it," I smile wrapping my arms around his neck and he wraps them around my waist, he nods and rests his forehead against mine.

"Yes because I love it," He kisses my lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," I say and we pack a bag each then we walk downstairs, "Ready to go?"

Papa looks at me, "Change!" He looks at me, frowning at my chosen clothes.

"Nah," I smile and take his wrist pulling him out of the cottage with Ban and Elizabeth behind us. I see the giant green pig not far from our cottage, "How we didn't wake up is beyond me," I say and climb up the rope ladder to see Merlin stood at the door, "Merlin!" I wave and smile.

"Hey Melody," She smiles a little.

"Ready for your first Eight Deadly Sins mission?" Diane says and I turn to see her in her human size, due to Merlin's magic.

"I think so yes," I nod and smile. The two of us walk inside, "So what's Ban been like?" She asks and Elizabeth catches us up.

"He's the same," I walk into the tavern, "But hardly stealing stuff which is nice but I'd never change him just scold him."

"Aww, that's so cute," Elizabeth says and we walk to my old room, "Anything new with you and King, Diane?"

"W...w...what!?" Diane stutters and Elizabeth and I laugh walking into my old room that's still the same as papa designed it.

I play my bag on my dressing table and sit on the rug with Elizabeth and Diane, "Is Ban staying with you?" Diane smirks and leans forward on her hands and knees, "Any mini Ban's we need to be worried about?" She teases

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I play my bag on my dressing table and sit on the rug with Elizabeth and Diane, "Is Ban staying with you?" Diane smirks and leans forward on her hands and knees, "Any mini Ban's we need to be worried about?" She teases.

Ban walks past her looking at her, "Any fairy giants we need to be worried about?" He says and looks at me, "But am I staying with you?"

"I'd be concerned if you didn't," I look up at him and smile, "Just put your bag on the dressing table, I'll sort them soon," I say.

"It's fine," Ban says and unpacks our bags before putting our bags on top of my closet before kissing my head and leaving the room, "Love you!" He calls out before shutting the door.

"I've never seen Sir Ban, the way he is with you before," Elizabeth says and I look at her confused, "I've seen him happy but never completely loved up."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I've seen him talk as if he's loved up and the way he looked," Diane says and looks at me with a smile, "But with you, it's a whole other story his tone, his eyes, his body language, his attitude have all changed or improved because of you," She smiles at him, "You didn't answer my question~" She teases.

"No, there are no mini Ban's or mini Melody's," I tell her and smile, "Not yet," I fiddle with my engagement ring.

The three of us sit on the ground of my bedroom catching up, Merlin joins us in the evening saying she felt left out after a couple of hours of being with the guys. Ban brings us all dinner and says we'll be in Liones early hours tomorrow morning so we can't stay up all night talking away. Diane wasn't very happy but soon agreed because Elizabeth, Merlin and I agreed with Ban.

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