Chapter Seventeen

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Ban's P.O.V

It's been quiet to say the least, Melody hasn't left our room and the Cap'n visits her every other hour for a cuddle. I've never seen the two of them so quiet and so out of it.

I walk into our room and see Melody getting changed, I shut the door behind me and watch her, "Melody?"

Melody looks at me and smiles a little, it's forced but the feeling of love shines through, "Hey, get changed we are going out," She says.

"We are?" I question and walk to her with my hands in my pockets, "Where we going?"

"Home, for the day... I've been in my own world for days since Mum went back and it's not fair on you," She says.

"Melody, you had grown up without a mum then she's back and now she's gone again," I say pulling her into my hold, "I would never expect you to be smiling, laughing and having fun... You're grieving babe, it's natural."

"I know but I wanted to have a day together, so bad?" She looks at me and fiddles with my leather collar, "Please, Ban."

"Okay," I kiss her cheek and release her, "We're just going home right?"

"Yeah, back to our little cottage but I want to stay here a little longer... It's hit Papa pretty hard," She says and finishes getting dressed in a pink summer dress.

"Understandable," I say and get changed into the outfit Diane and King made me, "As long as you two need, I'm fine with it honey."

"Thank you," Melody says and walks to me and kisses my cheek, "And thank you, for being slow with me these few days."

"It's what husbands and wives do for each other, right?" I say and kiss her forehead, "Shall we head off then?"

"Yeah, let's go," She smiles and walks out of the room.

I follow after her and we walk into the tavern, I look to see Cap'n drinking and already has flustered cheeks due to the alcohol. Melody walks to him and the two talk in whispers, "I'll see you soon Papa," She says and I smile watching them hug before she hugs Zeldris who's decided to stay a little longer to help Melody and Cap'n get back to usual without Isabella.

"Anything sweet planned?" Zeldris asks looking at Melody.

"Just spending time at home then we'll be back in the evening," Melody says with a smile, "See you in a few hours," She says and skips to the doors, I follow after her.

We walk hand in hand to our little cottage, "Wait," I say and she looks at me confused, "I have to carry my bride into our home for the first time right?" I smile at her.

Melody laughs a little, it's felt like it's been forever since she's laughed even though it's been a few days, "You know, you were meant to do that when we went into our room in the Boar Hat right?" She questions.

"Was I?" I question and lean down, picking her up bridal style, "Oh, well!" I chuckle and walk into the cottage then I freeze seeing Diane and Escanor smiling at us. I look around the cottage, dim light, candle light, our table laid out for dinner, wine bottles beside Escanor who's dressed in a chef outfit and Diane in a more comfortable waitress out.

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