Chapter Fourteen

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Melody's P.O.V

I look at my uncle and father, "Papa, relax I'm okay and I'm awake," I say with a smile and turn to Ban, "Don't make Papa angry for no reason."

Ban looks at me then Papa, "Sorry Cap'n," He grins and hugs me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder and I place my hands over his.

"Let's all sit down and I'll answer your questions," I say and walk to a table, sitting down with Ban beside me and my dad and uncles opposite us, "Okay, start."

"What happened when you disappeared?" Zeldris asks.

"I used Ark on the vampires and transported us to the goddess realm, I had deactivated and locked away my demonic powers in our to get through to the realm," I explain, "I left the vampires in the Ark and spoke with a guard who signalled an alarm. The vampires in the Ark were decaying and growing older, till they became ashes, due to the light and the holiness of the cage they were in. The goddesses and angels soon arrived and they noticed my appearance and how much I resemble Papa and Uncles as well as my mum. They had me placed me in an Ark and threw me out of the realm. As I falling, I had to activate my demonic powers and merge my powers together to the point I was nearly taken over by both of them at the same time just to get out of the Ark."

"Sound familiar brother?" Uncle Zeli says looking at Papa.

"Shut up," Papa says glancing at Zeli then turns to me, "Carry on sweetie."

"Okay, so once the barrier broke... Everything was cold and black," I say and take a deep breath, "Next thing I know is I'm waking up in my room, beside Ban and all I want to do is go for a walk... I jumped out of my window and headed to the nearby lake, Ban followed and we... Cuddled."

"You... Cuddled?" Papa questions and punches the table, "I'm not an idiot! You're limping!"

"Barely limping, I have no shoes on," I say with a slight blush on my face.

"Urgh," Papa says and walks to me, kneeling down beside me, "Are you okay though? Did the goddess clan do anything else?"

"No, just locked me in the Ark," I tell him, "And threw me out saying 'good luck getting out of that you disgusting creature'."

"Active your goddess power and demonic power at the same time," Zeli says and I look at him confused, "Just do it."

"O...Okay," I stutter a little, and my demon crest grows on my forehead and down my arms as my wings grow.

"Right, that's good," Zeli says with a nod and I relax deactivating my powers, "At least we know you aren't power drained anymore, probably why you woke up."

"The Ark did that?" I ask and Zeli nods, "Oh... Where's my scythe?"

"In our room," Ban says and places his hand on my back, "So, the mission is finished?"

"Yeah," I nod, "I saw the vampires turn to ash in the Ark so I'm guessing so."

Isabella walks into the tavern and sees me, "Melody?"

"Mum..." We run to each other and hug, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be silly you did nothing wrong," Mum says and another pair of arms wrap around us, we pull away and see Papa joining in, "Joining in Meli?"

"Joining in with my girls hugging, of course," He smiles and looks at mum, "So, how much longer we got with you?"

"2 days," Mum says and looks down, "I had to guide you to the attackers and be there with you as well as report back to the King of Liones with your team."

"Hmm," Ban walks up and looks at Papa, "Cap'n, Isabella can I have a word?" He asks.

"I'm off to our room, since I'm not wanted," I giggle and skip away to the stairs.

"Mel," Uncle Esta follows me and I look at him, "How do you control both your powers?"

"You have to have the blood of both, not just be turned," I explain and place my hand on his cheek, "For you, it will be a lot of training and painful at that," I say and smile before going to my room. 

I sit down on the bed, on my side looking around for my scythe to see it on the wall and I feel my body relax knowing it's safe. The door opens and I look over to see mum walking in, "Come on, girls night out!" She says and rushes to me, grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet, "You, Merlin, Diane in her small form and I!" She smiles, "Pick something cute and white like usual, I'll get the girls," She rushes out calling for Diane and Merlin.

I blink and do as I'm told, I pick a white dress, to my mid-thighs with an elastic strap that I rest on my arms not my shoulders, I lay a shall around my arms and slide my feet into my heels before leaving the room. Diane, Merlin and Mum are waiting outside my room with smiles on their faces, "What's going on?"

"Girls night out told you!" Mum says and takes my hand.

"Yay!" Diane cheers and Merlin nods.

"Okay? I'm trusting you three," I say unsure about what is going on but if I only have two days with my mum, I'll take anything suggests.

The four of us leave the tavern, none of the guys are in the bar which is a little strange, "Come on!" Mum says and pulls me outside quickly with Merlin and Diane following behind us. 

Mum leads us to a little village and we go into a small tavern. I know they are hiding something from me, but I'm not questioning it until I know I'll need to, "What are you four lovely ladies drinking?" The bartender asks.

"Four of your sweetest Ale," Mum says and we sit at a table. Mum sits beside me and Diane and Merlin opposite us.

I look out the window and see Gowther rushing across the street with Estarossa, I giggle and shake my head, "What a strange pair," I comment and the girls look out the window as well to see them running then they start laughing as well.  The bartender places the ales on the table before going behind the bar again but he gives me the once over with a smirk, "I'm getting married," I say and he rushes behind the bar like he's on fire.

"I bet you can't wait to be married," Diane says with a smile, "Married to Ban, you two are perfect together!" She drinks some of her drink.

"I can't, I'm so excited to get back home... To our little cottage, to our life together while being married," I smile.

"Won't it be difficult? I mean Ban's undead," Diane says and I look at her with a smile, "What?"

"Since Melody is half-goddess and half-demon, she lives longer than your average demon or goddess, with her death abilities she is also an eternal being," Mum says and I nod, "She can't die either."

"That's great then," Diane smiles, "To the perfect couple!" She cheers and mum and Merlin tap their steins against Dianes and I smile, joining in when they look at me.

"Perfect Couple," Mum and Merlin say as I blush a little. 

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