🍋Chapter Thirteen

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Ban's P.O.V

It's been weeks since the mission and Melody disappeared only to fall from the sky unconscious and she hasn't woken up yet. 

I wake up in the middle of the night from a shiver and I turn to see Melody no longer in our bed, I sit up to see the window open. I run to the door to see a girl walking with long blonde her in a pure white dress walking into the forest. I jump out of the window, "Hey," I call out and follow the fleeing figure.

The girl looks at me, Melody, she smiles before running off, "Oi!" I chase after her then slow down as she's stopped at a lake, "Melody?"

She turns to me and smiles, "Hello babe," She says and I rush to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into me, "I'm back," She whispers and wraps her arms around my bareback, "Aren't you cold?"

"Never, not when I'm with you," I tell her and lean down kisses her gently, "I was so worried you wouldn't wake up."

"I'm sorry," Melody says and cups my cheeks in her hands, "I'm here now, that's all you need to remember babe."

"I know, but I was so worried about you," I tell her and look into her eyes, "Don't scare me like that again, promise?"

"I promise," She whispers and leans up, her eyes lower to my lips, "Can I?"

"Don't ever ask," I smirk and lean down, holding her body close to me as I connect our lips.

Melody's P.O.V

I know I haven't been awake long, but seeing Ban beside me made me need to cool down so I left. His lips, now on mine as firing me up like there's no tomorrow.

I feel him backing me up against a tree, our lips never separating as we move. He kisses down from my lips to my neck, he finds my sweet spot causing me to moan out as he pushes my white dress down exposing my breasts. His hands are like magnets to my boobs, he kneads them, pinches my nipples till the nubs have hardened, "Ban~" I moan out and he kisses past my collar bones then sucks on my right nipple still playing with my right, between his index and thumb.

His spare hand, hicks up my dress and I notice I haven't got underwear on, I'm not in the mood to ask why. His fingers stroke my folds slowly, collecting my juices on the tips of his fingers. My breathing gets heavy before he pushes in two fingers, "Jump," He orders and I jump up wrapping my legs around his waist, "We'll stop if you want."

"I don't want to stop," I whisper and moan as he pumps his fingers in and out of my body and he sucks on my left nipple like he's been starved, "B...Ban, m...more~" I whisper.

Ban stands up straight, crashes his lips against mine and pulls away with a smirk, "You want more?" He licks his lips and undoes his pants with my spare hand as his other keeps pumping in and out of my core as a fast pace.

"More, Ban, please... I want more... Please, fuck me... Fuck me please," I whimper out looking at my lover who has been smirking at me since I first begged.

I hear the shuffling of his pants dropping down to the ground, I feel the tip of his cock rubbing against my clit. He pulls his fingers out, sucks them clean while maintaining eye contact with me and he leads his cock to push into my entrance slowly. He groans and wraps his arms around me, burying his face in the crook of my neck and gives me butterfly kisses along my neck. 

Ban stays still for a few moments, his feet shuffling before his hips start to move back and forth and I grip hold of his shoulders, digging my nails into his shoulders. I tilt my head back and hold back my moaning, I know we are far from the tavern but there could be anyone or anything around in the forest. 

"Don't hold back babe," Ban says as he thrusts quicken and he holds me by my butt, he angles me a little better. He groans and smashes his lips against mine as he takes me, at his fast pace.

"Ban!" I call out and tilt my head back. I gasp and let out a high pitched moan as he brushed against my sensitive spot inside of me, "Right there... Oh fuck, again Ban please!" I beg.

Ban chuckles and he looks me in the eyes as he keeps fucking me thoroughly, "I've missed you so much babe," He says and groans.

"B...Ban! I...I'm gonna!" I force out as I breathe heavily and look at him as he looks at me.

"I know baby, me too," He licks his thumb before pushing it against my clit and moving it in a figure of 8 quickly, knowing my climax will be bigger than just him fucking me.

"Ban!!!" I call out as I released over his cock.

"Melody!!" He groans as he releases inside of me and holds me close to him.

We both stare at each other panting, "I should be unconscious for weeks if this is the hello I get when I wake up," I say with a smile and kiss him gently.

"No, you are never doing that again," Ban says pulling out of me and he gently puts me on the ground. I watch as he quickly dresses and I sort my dress out, he picks me up bridal style and takes me back to the tavern, "What happened when you left? Everyone will want to know."

"I'll tell them," I say and I wrap my arms around his neck, I lean up and kiss his cheek, "I'll never do that again, I promise."

"Where are they? I mean the vampires?" Ban asks looking at me as we approach the tavern.

"Locked up or dead, I don't know," I tell him as we walk inside to see the sins and my uncles glaring at us, "Hello," I wave innocently at my dad, "Where's mum?" I ask.

"Looking for you two in the sky!" Papa snaps, "What were you two doing?... No, wait... I don't want to even know!"

"Making grandchildren for you," Ban says and I blush looking at him smirking.

"I'll kill you!!" Papa shouts and I turn to see Uncle Zeli and Uncle Esta holding Papa back as he tries to get to Ban.

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