Chapter Seven

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Melody's P.O.V

We've been to Bernia Village and stocked up on the ale and we have arrived at Camelot so that Hawk's Mama can have a rest. Isabella walks to Papa and me at the bar, "What's the plan, Meli?" She asks as she looks at him.

"Go see Arthur and say hi," Papa says and looks at me, "And hope he doesn't try to take our baby girl down the aisle."

I roll my eyes and smile, "I'm alright thanks," I giggle and shake my head.

"Let's go, everyone!" Papa shouts and we all leave the tavern, "Merlin, do you know where Arthur will be?"

"He will be at the training grounds by the castle," Merlin says as we walk, "Shortest route, this way," She says and leads us towards the castle.

The knights greet us and one knight leads us to the training field. Arthur is in his usual armour and he looks up, "Sir Meliodas!" He says and the knights in training greet us, "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"We need a place to stay for the night," Papa says, "Do you know of an inn that would be good, we want to give Hawk's mama a rest tonight," Papa adds.

"Don't waste your money on an inn, there are rooms in the castle," Arthur says and looks at me with a smile, "Hey," He smiles.

"Hello," I smile and Ban places his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him.

"Hey," Ban says looking at Arthur, an expression I don't know as I'm at the wrong angle.

"How have you been?" Arthur says with a nervous chuckle.

"Very good," I nod, "Yourself?"

"Good," He nods.

"So, rooms?" Ban says with a slight sneer.

"Rooms?" Arthur questions then nod, "Ah yes, yes... 9 rooms?"

"6," Papa says then looks at Isabella, "I think?" Isabella smiles and nods, "6 rooms, 3 for one person and 3 for two."

"Who's sharing?" Gowther asks.

"Diane and King, Iss and me, Ban and Melody," Papa inform him.

Arthur looks at me shocked and he looks down, his eyes land on my engagement ring, "When's the wedding?" He asks with a smile.

"After this trip," I say with a smile looking up at Ban, "I think."

"Of course it will be," Ban says and kisses my temple.

"Wonderful," Arthur smiles at us and starts walking into the castle, "Let's get you all settled in!" He says and we follow behind him into the castle.

Ban keeps his arm around my waist and keeps me close to him, I look up at him, "What's the matter?" I ask already having an idea what could be the issue but I want to hear it.

"You're seriously asking?" Ban questions looking down at him and leans down then whispers in my ear, "He asked you to marry him in front of me, not that long ago."

"I remember he did that," I say and put my around behind his back, "I'm with you, no one else," I tell him.

"Melody, Ban," Arthur says and opens a door, "This one is yours," He says and we walk into the room.

"Thanks," Ban shuts the door and turns to me, "Come here," He opens his arms and I walk to him. Ban pulls me into his arms and I turn my head to listen to his heartbeat, "I feel like... I feel like I might lose you."

"That's never going to happen," I say and nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck, "I'm not going anywhere."


We both stand up and run out of the room, I follow Papa and Isabella who are also running to where the noise came from up. As we run, the other sins join us.

We run into the throne room where Arthur has his sword drawn and looking at a figure stood in the debris. As the debris fades away my eyes widen as I see a man who looks like my dad beaten up, "Uncle Zeli..." I whisper and Papa and I run to him as he falls to the ground.

Zeldris looks up and coughs, cradled in Papa's arms, "I...I couldn't let you go in this alone..." His eyes land on me, "T...There you are..." He reaches up and cups his hand over my cheek.

"URGH!!!" A larger figure falls into the throne room.

I walk to the figure and tap him with my foot, he looks up at me, "Uncle Esta?" I offer him my hand, he takes it and I help him up, "What's going on?" We all to Zeldris and Papa, Estarossa sits down.

"Vampires..." Uncle Zeli says and Papa sits him up. The sins gather round, "We aren't looking for a fight... At least not with humans... Brother... They want Melody..."

I feel all eyes on me and Isabella rushes to me and holds my hand, "Aren't you a face we haven't seen in ages?" Estarossa chuckles and coughs up blood.

"What's this? You an Archangel, then a demon, then a deranged archangel, then a demon again? Can't you decide your race?" She says looking at him, annoyed with his words.

"It's more fun a demon, plus... I need to help to protect Melody from scum," Estarossa says.

"Why do they want Melody?" Papa asks looking at the two demons, "Well?"

"Her blood," Uncle Esta says and sighs, "Her power, her pure attitude, take your pick Meliodas."

Ban walks to Isabella and me and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest, "What does my attitude have to do with it?" I ask.

"Well... It's proof you're half goddess and that's what they always want with you," Zeldris stands up and walks to me then looks at Ban, "What's this?"

"Fiancee," I say and I look up at Ban. Ban's jaw is clenched and his grip tightens on my waist, "I'm not going anywhere promise."

"I hope you're right," Ban says and sighs then looks at Zeldris, "Can we trust you?"

"You're asking me if you can trust us?" Zeldris questions and Ban nods, "Melody is in your arms, Melody is in danger, Melody is possibly the only thing I care about right now if it revolves Melody I am someone you trust!"

Papa stands up and steps closer, "Ban, if Melody is involved this two are possibly the best allies we could ask for," He says looking at Ban, "They'd lay down their life for her... Now, Zeldris, why do they want her and give me a straight answer."

"Her power and her blood... I think... That's what one vampire said," Zeldris says.

"And what else was said?" Isabella asks.

"Make a powerful heir," Zeldris says and my eyes widen, "Yep... a bride..."

"They aren't getting anywhere near her," Papa sneers. 

"We're agreeing on that then," Estarossa says and stands up.

Zeldris nods, "We are yes," The three of them look at me and I step closer to Ban turning into his hold, gripping Isabella's hand.

"They won't lay on hand on you," Ban says and he kisses my head, "Not on my watch."

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