Chapter Eighteen - Final

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Melody's P.O.V

After my surprise date with Ban we got back to the tavern and saw Uncle Zeli and Papa talking together and Papa asked to have a have a chat with us in the morning. I was nervous about what Papa wanted to talk about and I wasn't able to sleep due to worrying about this mornings conversation.

I'm sat with Papa and we're waiting for Ban to finish with washing the dishes. I look at Papa and he smiles at me, he looks a little brighter than he has done and Zeldris sits beside him as Ban sits with us, "Okay, Cap'n... What's going on?" Ban says and he places his hand on my knee.

"Okay," Papa says and takes a deep breath, "It's nothing you both need to worry about, it's probably something you both would be quite happy with what Zeldris and I have been talking about," He says and looks at his younger brother.

"Papa, what is it?" I ask and place my hand over Ban's, squeezing his hand nervously.

"Your uncle and I have been talking and we believe that it would be best if the two of you went back to your own home," Papa says and my eye's widen, "I'm not kicking you both out or anything, of course what I said on your wedding day will always stand, my door is always open and your room will always be yours."

"Okay," I nod listening to him.

"Since Isabella had passed on, again... Both you and brother have been struggling, I have said that I will stay to watch over Meliodas but I can only watch over one person... Ban, you are to watch over your wife," Uncle Zeli says.

"You're telling me how to look after my wife?" Ban questions, "So let me get this straight, you think that separating from your daughter is the best to heal?"

"I do, yes," Papa says with a nod.

"Right, we'll be out of your hair," Ban says and stands up then walks up the stairs.

"Melody, I'm not kicking you two out I just think it's best... You remind me so much of your mother," Papa says.

"Yeah," I say and walk upstairs to our room, everything slowly fades to black.


"Melody! Babe! Wake up!" I hear Ban shout and I sit up, letting the bed covers fall off my body then Ban walks in, "Hey sexy, I see you're not caring about being naked in front of me," He smirks.

"What day is it?" I ask and rub my head getting out of bed, not caring I'm walking around naked in front of my husband. I wraps my mid thigh silk robe around my body.

"It's Tuesday," Ban says with an amused smirk and leans around the door frame.

"Year?" I say walking to him.

"Oh, dear... Another one of those dreams again?" He asks and I nod, "20XX"

"Okay," I nod with a smile.

"Isabelle has been crying for her mummy," He smirks and kisses my forehead, "I would have let you sleep a little longer otherwise and Aidan has been causing a hassle for me in the kitchen, can you sort them out so I can finish breakfast?"

"Of course baby," I kiss his lips and walk past him going downstairs, "Aidan!" I say and a small boy, with blue spiky hair and red eyes runs to me from the kitchen. I look at me, "What did I tell you about interrupting daddy when he is cooking?"

"Not to do it... Sorry mummy," Aidan says and Ban walks into the room, "Sorry daddy."

"It's okay buddy, also I'll like my utensils backs," Ban says holding his hand out and Aidan puts Ban's cooking utensils into his hand, "Good boy," Ban says before walking into the kitchen.

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