Chapter Fifteen

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Melody's P.O.V

After four of the sweet ale, we leave the tavern and follow mum down the street. Mum and I holding hands, she keeps looking at me, "What is it? You've been glancing at me for a while now, what's going on?" I ask looking at her. 

"Well..." Mum turns to me and smiles, "I just want to remember everything about you," She says and I look at her shocked a little, "I only have the rest of 2 days, we'll be back in Liones tomorrow."

"I understand," I nod and I see we stopped in front of a church, "We going to pray?"

"Nah, I gave up on them a long time ago," Mum says.

"Your dress needs a change," Merlin says and waves her wrist, I look down confused, seeing the dress grow to my feet, the strap on my arm thicken, a lacey flowery effect over my torso and the skirt becomes puffy.

"Your dress needs a change," Merlin says and waves her wrist, I look down confused, seeing the dress grow to my feet, the strap on my arm thicken, a lacey flowery effect over my torso and the skirt becomes puffy

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Papa walks out of the church dressed in a suit, he's sporting a massive grin as he walks to me, "Always time to run for the hills, I've got Hawk's Mama on standby for a rush leave," He winks and kisses my cheek.

"I'm confused... What's going on?" I ask looking between my parents, "You've been up to something since Ban asked to talk to you both without me."

"Princess," Papa says and I look at him, "You're getting married, Ban thought it would be great to get married with both your parents with you... So, are we running away or am I taking you down the aisle?"

I look at him shocked, "Down the aisle," I say with a smile.

"Damn it," He mumbled with a smile, "Alright Princess, Hawk's mama is still on standby."

"Shut up Meli," Mum playfully slaps his chests and makes a bouquet of bright red roses appear in my hands, "Merlin, can you?"

"Of course," Merlin nods and smiles, she snaps her finishes, mum is in a light blue bridesmaids dress, Diane an orange one and Merlin a purple one, their dress are all silk and a v-cut with showing their backs with thin straps, each of them holding a small bouquet of white roses.

The girls head to the doors of the church, they walk inside and I hear the music start. I look at Papa, "I'm nervous," I say and he smiles offering me his arm.

"Come on Princess, remember you can always turn back," He grins.

"Something you want to tell me?" I ask as I link our arms.

"It's weird, my best friend and my daughter getting married," He says and walks to the door, "But I know he treats you just the way I want you to be treated," He looks at me, "I approve but my door is always open for you."

"Thank you dad," I kiss his cheek and we walk into the church.

I look down the aisle and see Ban stood by the priest, the Sins gathered at the front with my mum and Estarossa. I look to see Zeldris walking to us with a smile, "I remember a 5-year-old Melody saying she wanting Meliodas and I to take her down the aisle of her ceremony, does that still stand?" He asks and I nod then we link our arms, "You're beautiful Melody."

"Thank you," I kiss his cheek and the three of us walk down the aisle, I look up at Ban who's smiling at me dressed in a black suit, with a white shirt and red tie. 

Papa and Uncle Zeli kiss my cheek, Papa places my hand in Ban's and he stands behind Ban then Zeldris sits with Estarossa. I look at my mum who stands behind me taking my bouquet of roses from me. 

Ban and I smile at each other before looking at the priest who begins the wedding ceremony. I look at Ban occasionally and he glances at me, he winks and I suppress a giggle, "Ban, do you take Melody to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse?"

"I do," Ban says.

"Melody, do you take Ban to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse?" The priest asks me.

"I do," I nod.

"Please present the rings," The priest says looking at Papa who hands the rings to the priest. The priest hands one to Ban and one to me, "These rings are a symbol of your eternal love to one another," He nods to us and we slide the wedding ban onto each others' wedding finger, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Ban wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into him and leans in, the two of us kiss gently and passionately. Our friends and my family stand clap. I pull back from Ban and smile, "You actually had a nice surprise that wasn't stolen," I whisper and he chuckles, "Were the rings?"

"Paid for and what a way to ruin the mood," Ban laughs and we kiss again, both of us smiling in the kiss.

We all leave the church and I look at my bouquet throwing back at everyone. I turn to see Diane blushing holding my bouquet of roses. I smile at her and turn to King who is also a blushing mess, "I guess we know who's next," Ban says and we all make our all back to the tavern, we all celebrate together in the tavern, as Hawk's mama heads to Liones for our report.

"What's it like to be married?" Diane asks drinking her stein.

"Ask us tomorrow," Ban says with a smirk and winks at her.

"Dirty Ban," Diane scoffs and looks at me with a smile, "Did you like your surprise?"

"I loved it," I smile and kiss Ban's cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too," He says looking at me with a smile.

Hawk walks in from talking to his mama, "Mama said we might be delayed," He pouts.

"That's alright Hawk, I can teleport us right there," Merlin says and looks at me, "Do you want to change or show everyone you're married?"

"I think Elizabeth might like to see our dresses," Diane says and smiles at me.

"Let's keep them on," I smile at her. 

Merlin nods and teleports Hawk's mama to Liones, onto the castle grounds. We all go outside and jump in through an open window to the throne room. Ban places a hand on my back as papa walks towards a shocked royal family, "I see the Sins have returned!" King Bartra says with a smile and looks around, "Has there been a wedding?"

"Yes, my daughters," Papa says and King Bartra looks at me, "To Ban."

"Oh my gosh!" Elizabeth squeals and runs to me taking my hands then we spin in a circle together, "You look beautiful!"

"Don't I look beautiful too?" Diane asks pouting as she looks at Elizabeth.

"Of course you do Diane!" Elizabeth smiles and we have a group hug as Papa and mum tell King Bartra the missions. Elizabeth looks at my mum, "Who's that?"

"My mum," I say looking at my parents with a smile.

"She's pretty, Sir Meliodas is very lucky," Elizabeth says with a smile.

"Thank you, Eight Deadly Sins," King Bartra says, "Please continue your celebration," He smiles at us and we say goodbye to everyone before going back into the tavern for the rest of the celebration of mine and Ban's wedding.

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