Chapter Nine

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Ban's P.O.V

I look at the Cap'n and Merlin, as Melody stands beside me, "Do you really think that this is necessary?" I ask them both with my hands in my pockets looking at them. 

"Yes I do," Cap'n says and walks off with Merlin behind him.

"I cannot believe he has just done that," Melody grumbles and walks back to the bed. 

I turn around and look at her, "Little Mel..." I walk to her and kneel down in front of her looking at her as she looks back at her. Her demon crest showing on her forehead and her goddess crest showing in her eyes with the demon markings over her body, "Deep breathing," He says and watches as Melody starts breathing deeply, soon she relaxes but the markings and the crests don't fade away, "It's going to be okay, I promise you that," I hold her hands.

Melody leans forward and wraps her arms around my neck, buries her face in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and pulls her onto my knee, keeping her close, "He said he wouldn't... He lied to me..." Melody says.

"I know, I know," I rub her in a soothing circle, "Don't think too much about the cube, they can't keep us locked up in here forever," I tell her.

Melody nods and lifts up looking at me, "You smell, go wash up," She says and gets off my lap then slides onto the bed.

I chuckle and stand up, "Okay, okay," I kiss her head and walk into our bathroom.

Melody's P.O.V

I walk Ban walk into the bathroom, I sit on the bed in silent and look at a purple transparent wall. I feel angry and disappointment in my fathers' actions.

I lay down and my fingers twitch, I don't think much of it as I assume it's just how agitated my dad has made me. I don't think about what I am down as lay down but suddenly the Perfect Cube smashes and what looks like shards of purple glass falls over all the room.

I sit up and Ban runs in, shirtless, "Melody? You okay?!" He asks and looks at me, "Why are your goddess wings out?" He asks.

I look to my side and I look to see my wings fully grown, "I don't know," I tell him and walk out of the room. I ignore him, as he is telling me to come back which I don't want to.

I feel my demonic power and my goddess power swirling around inside of me, both of them trying to be the most dominant power in me. I follow my fathers and uncles demonic power, back to the throne and the doors open as I walk forward, everyone looks at me shocked, "Never, ever lock me up!" I shout, glaring at my father.

Papa looks at me and walks forward, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry," He says and takes hold of my cheeks in his hands lightly, "I'm really sorry, but I'm panicking that you will be taken from me," He says and rests his forehead against mine.

"How did you get out?" Merlin asks walking up to us.

"I just broke it," I shrug my shoulders not exactly knowing myself how I did it. I walk around them to where everyone is gathered, "Hmm... Mum how I retract my wings?"

Isabella looks at me with wide eyes, "Deep breaths and relax," She tells me and I do as told and I wince gripping hold of Zeldris's arm as my wings retract back into me. Isabella watches me, "I think you need some training that isn't demonic power, King Arthur do you have a private training ground?" 

Arthur tells Isabella where to go and she takes my hand, pulling me away from the others, "Come on, anyone can join," Isabella says and so the Sins, Arthur and my uncles follow us. 

We all stop at a training ground, "So, how did your goddess come out?" Isabella asks.

"I was pissed and fuming," I tell her, "But I was happy... As I wasn't alone..." I shuffle my feet.

"Remember that feeling, and allow that to surround you," She tells me and I close my eyes.


"Okay, so try and release your father from your Ark," Isabella says from my side, "Just imagine it's not there."

"It's kinda sucking out all my energy here Princess... No pressure though," Papa says looking at me.

"Hmm..." I imagine the Ark cage that's surrounding my father isn't there and it soon fades away, "I did it."

"Yes you did, I don't think anyone else wants to be your target anymore, though," She tells me looking at the Sins laying down on the ground panting, Arthur and Hawk in a Perfect Cube and my uncles knocked out, "Now, retract your wings," I relax my wings retract back into my body, "Now, bring out your demonic power, tame them," She tells me and I take a deep breath allowing my demonic power out and my black wings out with my demonic markings, "Well done."

I smile and relax deactivating my demonic power, "Anything else?" I ask.

"Nothing else I don't think you need any more teaching on how to use your powers anymore," Papa says and walks to me, "Well done Princess," He smiles, "So proud of you... Don't put my in your Ark again."

"Don't lock me up and you won't need to say hello to my Ark then," I smile at him.

"I can deal with that," He says and smiles looking at me, "But I only did it for your safety."

"I don't care why. Just don't do it!" I snap.

"Alright, Princess. I won't do that to you, promise," I smile at her. 

A servant came and told us that it was time for dinner and we all made our way to the dining room where we spent most of the night together before going to sleep in our rooms.

Ban and I fell asleep in each others arms after a long day of training.

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