Chapter Four

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Ban's P.O.V

After we eat our breakfast, I pile the plates up on the bed and look at Melody, "So, what are you going to do?" I ask, "Question him more or wait?" Melody looks at me, "And don't ask me what to do."

"That is very not fiancé like, now is it?" She says as she pokes out her bottom lip, looking up at him.

"Okay, fine... I think you should question in a few days... After the mission," I tell her and lean forward then kisses her forehead, "How does that sound?"

"Like a plan," Melody says standing up, "Come on, before Papa thinks I'm getting knocked up," She winks before leaving the room.

I chuckle and walk after her, shutting our bedroom door behind her, "That seems like a good plan for the future," I say and head into the kitchen.

I wash up and dry the plates, putting them back in the cupboard before walking out to the tavern where the other Sins are. I look at Melody and the Captain walking out. I smile at them, "How is she doing?" Escanor asks.

"As good as can be... I don't know how I'd feel if I found out that my mum jumped in front of an attack to protect my dad... If I was even close to them that is," I say grabbing a bottle of Bernia Ale and walk to a table.

"I'm sure the Captain will mend any wounds that have opened up within Melody," Merlin says sitting down opposite me and she looks at me, "The directions you gave... Any way to speed us up?"

"Just you teleporting us but I doubt Cap'n wants us to do that," I say taking a sip of the ale.

Melody and Captain walk back inside, "Okay, so I have something to say," Cap'n says and Diane leans down close to the window listening in to the conversation, "We will be carrying on travelling still we get to the 3rd town and we'll open for business. I know we will a bit far out from Ravens but, we need to find out more information and we have to be willing to see a guide," Captain says.

"The 3rd town in?" I ask, "Bernia Village right?"

"Yes, we do need a new load of Bernia Ale so it's a win-win," Captain says with a grin and he looks at Melody.


We all freeze looking at the stairs and Slader runs upstairs. Captain whispers something to Melody and she walks to me.

Footsteps get closer and Slader walks in, "What was it?" Cap'n asks.

"Well..." He looks up and someone walls down, "I think we all need to have a chat with you, Miss."

The person comes into full view, a petite form with long blue hair and blue eyes with white feather wings. She looks at her and her eyes widen a little and she smiles, looking at the captain.

 She looks at her and her eyes widen a little and she smiles, looking at the captain

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"Meli," She says in an almost whisper.

"Iss..." Cap'n says looking at her with wide shocked eyes.

"Papa, who is she?" Melody asks and the Cap'n looks at her, "Tell me..."

"Well... Hmm..." The Cap'n says and looks at the woman who looks at Melody, "T...This is Isabella... known as The Cursed Goddess Isabella... Also... Melody's mother," Cap'n says.

Melody gasps and runs out of the tavern. The blue-haired woman goes to follow but I stand up, "I got it," I say and walk out shutting the door.

I look up to see Melody in the sky with her wings spread out, black and white features. I feel something soft push against my back and I turn to see Kings Chastefol there. I take hold of the pillow and navigate it to her, "I don't want to talk Papa..." She says.

"Shame because it's me," I say and she looks at me to see tears falling down her face. I float over to the roof of the tavern and sit down then tap on my lap, "Come here sweetheart," I say and she flies to me before curling up on my lap then I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I thought she was dead," Melody says, "What is she doing here?"

"She might not be alive... Might be a spirit," I say then I take a deep breath, "Though I don't know what kind of spirit crashes into something and I don't know a spirit that's not transparent," I add, "She may be the guide," I suggest.

"Maybe... I don't know if I can face it," She says wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my chest and red leather.

"I know sweetie, I know," I say and rub her back, "What's the worst that can happen if she is a spirit and what's the worst that can happen if she isn't?"

Melody leans back in my arms looking up at me, "If she's a spirit... Then the worst thing would be her leaving... Again... And if she isn't... Her... Maybe leaving again," She tells me and I click on to what Melody is most afraid of.

I kiss her forehead, "So, what you're most worried about is your mum leaving you and the Cap'n again?" I ask and she nods, "Come here," I pull her into me gently and play with her blonde her as I rock her gently, "I doubt she'll ever leave because it's what she wants to do."

"Ban! Melody!" The Cap'n calls out and I watch him walk down to Hawks mama head. He turns and I see Isabella walking to him, "Sorry Iss, guess they took off somewhere."

"It's okay Meli," She says and stands beside him, "I can only be with you both for the mission then I have to go back."

"Back? Back where?" Cap'n asks.

"My body, even though I'm solid and can use my powers... I'm not actually here," She explains, "By the way... Our daughter and her partner are on the roof."

Meliodas turns around and looks up, "Why didn't you come down when I called?!" He asks.

"Didn't see the need to," Melody says and her wings grow then she takes us down the deck before retracting her wings.

"Melody..." Isabella says and walks to her, "You've grown up to be a fine young woman and I'm so sorry you went through your whole life on your own."

"Everyone's sorry about it, I don't want people being sorry or pity," Melody says before walking inside.

I look at Isabella, "Lovely to meet you. Melody is very sensitive to various topics," I say before walking inside with them.

"Is Isabella going to be a poster girl as well?" Gowther asks and I look at the captain with has his good for nothing grin plastered on his face looking at Isabella, "I take that look like a..." He starts but Melody covers it.

"I'd rather not know what my father is thinking about," She says a little darkly but I smile.

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