Chapter Three

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Ban's P.O.V


I wake up with a start and look around the room to see nothing out of the ordinary. I turn to my left, where Melody usually sleeps, she's still there.

"You perverted idiot!" I hear Hawk yell.

I groan and lay back down, push my hand through my hair, "Hawk yelling at my dad again?" Melody says sleepily, I feel the mattress move and her head is placed on my chest.

I smile and lay my arm around her, "Probably, he is the only perverted idiot, that I can think of in here," I tell her and brush my fingers through her hair, loosening the knots in her hair. I love her bed hair, makes her just as gorgeous as when there isn't any.

"I guess so," She mumbles, loud enough for me to hear her words, "It's weird being back here... I got used to our little life in the cottage."

"I know same," I look up at the ceiling, "We will be back there very soon."

Melody sits up and I look at her as she looks down at me, "I hope so... At least we don't have to worry about any royals right now," She says and turns her body to get out of bed. She walks to her closet, my eyes follow her movements and I watch her picking out her clothes, "Do you think we'll start travelling today?"

"More than likely, if we haven't ready... Are we moving?" I ask and roll onto my side, I reach over to the curtain and pull it lightly to see we are moving, "On our way now," I tell her and turn to see her putting on a pink off the should top with a purple skirt, "When did you get that?" I ask sitting up rubbing the back of my neck.

Melody looks at me, "Papa got me it," She says before going into our bathroom, for her morning routine.

I drag myself out of my and get ready before swapping with her in the bathroom.

Once both of us are ready, we head downstairs, "Ban~" Melody calls out and wraps her arms around my left arm. I look at her, "Can you please make me my favourite breakfast please?"

"Sure thing," I say and look at King altering the uniforms with a stein of ale. An idea pops in my head, "I'll make it in a sec, I just need to talk to King about something," I say and she nods walking off to the Cap'n.

I walk to King and sit at the table, "King, I have a question," I say.

"I haven't done Melody's yet," He says.

"Oh good, instead of trousers," I look at him as he drinks some ale, "Make it a skirt with a frilly apron, please," I say in the softest voice I can and he spits out his ale, "Will you?"

"Captain will torture you," King warns then nods, "Alright, Diane is wanting a skirt anyway."

"Excellent!" I say and stand up before walking to the kitchen to make Melody her breakfast.

As I make our breakfasts I overhear their conversation, "Papa..." He hums, "Who is this lady? She looks familiar..." Melody says softly, showing that she is approaching a possible sensitive topic.

"I'm not sure," Cap'n says.

"Look at me when you answer me please," Melody says, "You obviously, possibly know her so where do you know her. Also, how can someone be our guide when their body is sealed away?"

"Melody... Not now," Cap'n says getting annoyed.

"Well when? In another 2000 years? I'm not some baby who you need to hide the truth from, I get that stuff hurts to talk about but why not share it with me as it might not hurt because you've told someone," Melody says a little louder.

"I'm not treating you like a baby, I'm trying to protect you!" Cap'n snaps and I hear a bang, showing that he's possibly hit the bar.

"From what?"

"You want to know? Okay, I'll tell you! Your mother was a goddess, there is no secret about that. She cast out from heaven because of me! You aren't even allowed to see your other family because of me! Your grandfather allowed the fallen goddess to live in the demon realm and she was my first love, we were together over hundreds of years, a mate as well. Someone you may possibly never be able live without. One day, she was in our garden alone, your uncles and I were on a mission with the Commandments and we were followed home. The archangels hated me, wanted to kill me in the most torturous way imaginable. Your mother saw them about to attack when I was walking to her in the garden, she got in the way," Cap'n says, "They asked me where you were... I was blinded by my rage that they had to withdraw if they find you they will kill you. They believe a hybrid like you, should never be born, so forgive for wanting to keep my daughter, the last thing I have of Isabella alive," He says and I hear footsteps running upstairs.

I walk out of the kitchen to see Cap'n resting his head on his hands. I put the plates on the bar and look at him, "Cap'n..." I sigh, "You could have kept your cool a little, she's hurting more than she shows... You know she has nightmares... In the cottage it was to the point of screaming at the top of her lungs," I say and he looks at me, "She didn't mean to upset you, she just wants to know the truth. Melody needs to know who she comes from in order to possibly move on from the dreams."

"Did she tell you this?" Cap'n asks.

"You shouldn't need to ask her, it's obvious to see... Last night, she was calling out for her mother... Has she ever done that before?" I ask and he shakes her head, "Cap'n she needs you to trust her with the hard truth about stuff. Now I'm going to go upstairs and I want you to think about what I said... Trust her, she is your daughter after all," I smile and pick up the plates, "You're a great father to her, no doubt about it," I add before going upstairs to our room.

I walk into the room to see Melody laid on the bed, "Go away..." She mumbles.

"Oh? So you don't want any breakfast?" I walk forward, shutting the door behind me and before she is able to say anything, her stomach growls, "That's what I thought," I sit on the edge, "Come on, sit up and eat."

Melody does what I told her, "I'm guessing you heard," She takes her plate from me and I nod, "Think I overreacted?"

"There's no right or wrong way to think about a parents death. You waited so long to know, there's of course still bits missing, but the main part of the story has been told," I tell her and start eating, "Eat, or I'll give it to Hawk," I smile and she starts eating.

"Love you Mini Human Giant," She says.

"Love you too Little Mel."

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