Chapter Eleven

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Ban's P.O.V

We close the tavern up and we are all gathered up in mine and Melody's room talking about what we found out, "The vampires, have taken up residence inside of Raven's, they were originally outside the town but when they caught a rumour that the being they are looking for lived in Raven's they moved inside," Merlin says, "I couldn't get anything else, what about you Melody."

"I got the exact same, they are looking for a goddess and demon hybrid... They sent around flyers or something of the person they are looking for. The men I was talking to, told me I looking the being in the picture the vampires handed around the town and they told me to be careful," Melody said.

"So it is you that they are after," Escanor says and Melody nods.

"They won't get you," Zeldris says and sits beside her sliding his hand into hers, "Anything else?"

"They are in the underground of the city," Melody added.

"Typical, going underground so they don't get seen," Zeldris says.

"So did you find out why they wanted you?" I ask from the other side of Melody.

"Purity and everything else we've been told," Melody says looking at me.

"Alright, so... We'll move into Raven's tonight and find their underground entrance... Ban, Melody, do you know where it is?" Merlin asks.

"I thought Meliodas says when you go into action," Zeldris says looking at Merlin, "Last time I checked he was the captain."

"We'll move into Raven's tonight and go to their underground entrance, Ban, Melody, do you know where it is?" Cap'n asks.

"I know where it is," I say and look at Melody, "It's near the prison right?"

"Yeah, I think so," Melody nods, "I wasn't the one who got arrested out of the three of us," She giggles.

"No, you just went pure goddess on them and made them tend to your every wish," I grumble.

"It got you got of prison all the time though, didn't it?" She asks with a smirk and I chuckle.

"Alright, everyone get yourself some rest, we'll be going into action soon," Cap'n says and everyone leaves Melody and me in our room alone.

"I'm going to wash up, I feel disgusting," She says and walks to our bathroom leaving the door open. 

When I hear the water running I lay down on our bed, "I really want you to stay here, in a Perfect Cube but I know you won't do that," I say and Melody giggles, "I know, you won't let me go off without you, will you?" I ask.

"Never, we're together forever right?" She asks.

I smile and walk to the bathroom to see her sat in the bathtub, "Always and forever," I say and sit beside the bathtub.

"Not joining?" Melody says.

I look at her and smirk, "No, I'm not... We would make everyone late for the mission," I chuckle and lean over the end of the bath, kisses her cheek.

"Alright, I guess you have a point," Melody says with a smile and begins washing her body.


We all walk around Raven's, to their prison, all of us in our armour with our weapons or sacred treasures at the ready. I lead them to the prison and towards to the underground entrance, "When we're inside, split into our groups. Group 1 Estarossa, Me and Isabella. Group 2 Ban, Melody and Zeldris. Group 3 King, Diane and Gowther. Group 4 Escanor and Merlin," Cap'n says, "Don't not separate from your groups and work together, got it?"

"Got it," We all say and enter the underground, going off into our groups we've been assigned. 

Melody ends up taking the lead, I can sense her goddess and demon power surfacing and merging together, her demon marks showing and her goddess wings growing. I glance at Zeldris and see his demon mark growing as he grabs hold of his sword. I ready my nunchucks as we walk through the corridors, following Melody who seems to be following some sort of scent or power, I don't know how she is following it but I'm not going to question it.

"In there," Melody says and Zeldris walks around her to stand in front of double doors and soon the rest of the Sins, Isabella and Estarossa walk up. Zeldris opens the door and we see 5 different vampires all looking at us. Five pairs of blood-red lustful eyes looking at us.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" A male vampire asks. I turn to the voice, to see the one who seems like the one in charge due to sitting in a large chair.

"You are a treat to Britannia," Gowther says, "We will eliminate you," He says and brings out his sacred treasure aiming it at the head vampire of the group.

"You'll eliminate us? That's some big words for a race who is only strong in large numbers," A female vampire laughs and walks towards us, "You think you can..." She is cut off by something and sniffs the air then looks at Melody, "Such an amazing smell... You're the pure demon," She smirks, "Perfect..."

"Stay the hell away from her," Zeldris says drawing his sword and aiming it at the vampire's neck, "If you touch her and I will be the one to eliminate all the ones I missed."

"And exactly how did you survive?" Cap'n asks with his deeper voice.

"How did we survive?" The female vampire asks, "Easily, you missed us just like you missed your beloved Gelda," She smirks at him.

"Shut up!" Zeldris slices at her in a millisecond and her neck is deeply cut, "You hold no value nor do I care about your opinion."

"Oh, Little Prince has a big mouth," The female vampire says with a smirk as the wound in her neck heals and suddenly appears behind him in front of Melody. She takes hold of some of her hair lightly and lets Melody's hair slowly slip through her fingers, "You are so beautiful Little Princess," She says and I step closer to be with Melody, "Don't move beanstalk."

"Beanstalk?" I question and frown.

"Yeah, beans-" The vampire is cut off.

I saw a blur enter her chest and a blur removed, I watch the vampire fall to the ground and I see a bleeding heart in Melody's' hand. I watch as she crushes the heart in her hand, "She talked too much," Melody says.

"I couldn't agree more," The male head vampire says and walks towards us, "So, you're the delicious smell I've been attracted to for a while," He smirks at her and cups her cheek.

"Don't touch her!" Cap'n says and punches the head vampire, "You'll dirty her," He sneers and the vampires still living are laughing.

"You really think you can just do as you please when one of you was dead in 3 seconds for touching me?" Melody says looking at the head vampire, "I may have goddess, I may be the purest demon, but remember I have lived with demon for many years, I know my demon powers better than my goddess powers and the one who trained me was the one who eliminated most of your race, so back off," Melody says and the vampires stop laughing then turn to Zeldris who smirks.

"So proud of her," Zeldris says with a smirk.

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