Chapter Twelve

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Meliodas's P.O.V

Melody seems to ignore Zeldris's words, her demon marks show and her goddess wings grow as she walks towards the vampires, "Melody, back away from them," I say but I don't get any answer from her.

"Melody," Ban tries and she stops walking, "Come on, come back... We'll do this together."

"It's me they want," Melody says and walks to the vampire in charge, "Isn't that right?"

"That is correct, yes," The vampire says, "What are you suggesting? You're going to give yourself to me?"

"Did you hear what I said?" Melody says then glances at the dead vampire on the ground, "Want to end up like her?" She says.

"You bitch!" A vampire shouts and charges at Melody. I step in the way and counter the vampires' account with Lostvayne, "Hey there shorty, daddy come to the rescue?" The vampire smirks, I can't see their face only the smirk with their fangs on show.

Zeldris slices at the vampire from behind with his darkness, "1000 Divine Cuts!" We before say slicing the vampire. I look up at Zeldris, "Thank you," I say with a small smile out of gratitude.

"Like you said, best alley you can have if it means Melody's safety," Zeldris says and we look at see Ban attacking the head vampire with his nunchucks and Melody flying in the air with Isabella.

I watch as they push their weapons together, Isabella's sword and Melody's scythe, "Ark!" They say and Melody looks down, "Out!" She orders and the Sins, I and my brothers rush out as the two surround the vampires in the Ark.

Isabella flies out and stands beside me, "Melody come on," Isabella says and I look at Melody to see her not moving, "Melody!"

Melody turns to us and smiles a little, "I'm sorry," She whispers and flicks her wrist, shutting the door and I hear it lock.

"Melody!" I run to the door only to be bounced back, "Merlin!"

"Got it," Merlin says and opens the door with her Absolute Cancel.

I run in and look around to see no vampires or Melody but a dead vampire in the room, "Melody!!" I shout and run out with Ban and Isabella on my tail, Zeldris and Estarossa flying after us.

"Cap'n, what do you think she's planning?" Ban asks I hear the worry in his voice and I don't need to look at him to know how he is feeling. 

"I don't know," I say and my wing grow so I fly faster with my brothers behind me. 

As we leave the underground, "MELODY!!!" I fly up in the sky and I notice something shining on the ground, "Zeldris check that out, Estarossa with me."

"Right!" They say in unison and go in the directions.

Estarossa and I keep flying following the small ounce of Melody's power, "It's gone," I say and look around, "Estarossa can you feel anything?"

"No," He says looking around, "Damnit!"

"Meliodas!" Zeldris flies to us with Isabella who's carrying Ban, Zeldris is carrying Melody's scythe, "I found this..." I take the scythe from him and look at it, "What is she thinking?"

"To protect us," Isabella says and Ban rolls his eyes.

Merlin flies to us on her broom with Escanor, "I can try and track her," Merlin says and holds her hand out for the scythe which I hand over to her. I hear Merlin mutter something but blinks, she tries again and again.

"What's wrong?!" Ban asks looking at her.

"I can't track her, she's probably got herself in a barrier," Merlin looks at me, "I'm sorry Captain," She hands me the scythe which I take, "I'll keep trying though."

"Please do," I say and look at my daughters scythe before lowering to the ground with everyone.

As all start walking, I feel a surge of magical power surrounding us and I look up to see Melody falling down. My eyes widen and I fly up instantly dropping her scythe and catching her, I lower to the ground and lay her down, "Melody? Hey, Melody!" I shake her a little.

Zeldris kneels down and checks for her breathing, "Alive," He says and takes hold of her face, "But drained."

"Drained?" Ban questions kneeling down and he takes hold of her hand in his, looking at Zeldris, "What do you mean?"

"Her energy is drained... It happens to her when she fights too much," Zeldris explains, "All she needs is rest and she'll be back to normal then we'll find out what she did with the vampires."

"Sounds good to me," I nod.

Zeldris picks Melody up and looks at me, "Let's get her to bed," He says and looks at Ban who's staring at her, "She isn't dead," Ban stands up and Zeldris steps forward, "Here," He says and he placing Melody is Ban's arms, "Get her to bed."

Ban nods and walks off to the tavern, quietly.

I look at Zeldris and Estarossa, "I'm guessing you're staying till she's woken up?" I question and they agree, "Alright, but you two have to work," I point at them as I walk past them, "Let's think of a backup plan and then some rest."

"Sounds good brother," Zeldris says catching up with me with Estarossa behind us.

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