Chapter Two

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Melody's P.O.V

Once we have finally arrived in Liones, Elizabeth leads us to the castle where we all meet King Bartra in the throne room, "Yo Bartra!" Papa greets and I roll my eyes.

"Ah, Meliodas. Thank you for coming on such short notice," King Bartra says and his eyes land on me, "You must be Melody, the Sin of Death?" He questions.

"That's correct Your Majesty," I say and slide my hand into Ban's who gladly holds my hand, "I hope you'll forgive my father... He is rather immature," I say looking at Papa who winks at me with a chuckle.

"I'm used to your father now," King Bartra says, "There's a new bad omen that looms over Liones and Britannia in general, I believe it is a task for the Seven... I mean... Eight Deadly Sins," He looks at me, "Apologies."

"No need, I am after all new," I smile at him.

"What kind of omen?" Merlin asks.

"Vampires," King Bartra says, "Almost like the Vampires of Edinburgh."

"Very well, anything we should know?" Papa asks.

"A girl with blue hair and blue eyes will be your guide," King Bartra says.

"That's not a lot to go on Your Majesty," Ban says and rubs his chin.

"I know, I wish I knew more myself... But I can only tell you what I saw... One of you will be a grave danger," King Bartra says and his eyes land on me.

Papa steps forward, "What species was the girl with blue hair and blue eyes?" He asks.

"Is that necessarily Captain?" King asks as he floats beside Diane.

"I would say she appeared human, but her real body is locked up she'll guide you at a certain point... She spoke your name, Sir Meliodas, within the vision," King Bartra says.

"Captain," Merlin looks at Papa and I look at them confused, "Do you think it's her?"

"Possibly, but I'm not sure," Papa says and looks at then grins, "Don't worry about it princess! Papa's here!" He chuckles.

"I think that is what she is worried about, you numbskull," Hawk says and headbutts him.

"Captain, who do you think the woman with blue hair is?" Escanor asks standing tall beside Merlin.

"It's just a guess that I'd rather not reveal just yet," Papa says and I frown looking at him, "I'd rather not reveal anything that could be false before I know the facts," He explains.

"Very well," Escanor says and looks at the King.

"The vampires are hiding within the city of Ravens, that is what the Holy Knight scouts that told me," King Bartra says.

"Ravens?" I question, "The run-down city where everyone is nearly up to no good?"

"Hey! I lived there!" Ban counters looking at me.

"Exactly," I look up at him and smile innocently as he smirks down at me, "So, did I remember," I giggle as he laughs a little and we look at the King.

"Yes, they seemed to be Ravens gathering... Supplies or equipment," King Bartra answers then he rubs his chin a little, "Though... I guess they could be on the move... Slader, please assist Sir Meliodas on this mission you were a grand help with the Ten Comm-" He starts and Papa cuts him off.

"Yes, yes... Slader do assist us!" He says and chuckles a little.

"You alright papa?" I ask looking at him.

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