Chapter Six

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Melody's P.O.V

We all sit in the tavern drinking away the night, Diane jumps up, "Let's play some games!!" She announces with a big smile and her cheeks red from the alcohol. 

"What kind of game?" Papa asks looking up at the small giant.

"Spin Bottle Truth or Dare or Strip!" Ban says and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Why is stripping involved?" I ask leaning into him and drinks some wine.

"If you don't tell the truth or do the dare, then you have to remove something from your body," Ban says and kisses the back of my head.

"How immoral," King says as he sits on his Chastefol.

"Sounds like fun," Diane says smiling at King.

King looks at her shocked and Ban leans towards King, whispers something in his ear and King blushes brighter and his nose bleeds, "I...I'm in!!" He says.

"A little too enthusiastic there King," I giggle and wink at him, "Who's first?" I ask.

"I'll go first," Papa says and puts an empty bottle in the middle of the table and we all gather around. Papa leans over and spins the bottle, the bottle lands on King, "Okay... Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," King says.

"What did Ban just say to you?" Papa questions.

King's eyes widen and his face turns bright red, "H-H-H-H-He said if D-Diane refuses h-her t-turns then her c-clothes can be r-r-r-rem-removed," He says and hides his face in his Chastefol.

I giggle and flick Ban's nose, "You are seriously a troublemaker," I smile.

King spins the bottle and it lands on Escanor, "Truth or Dare?" King asks with a smile.

"Truth..." Escanor says.

"Is it true that you once tried to run away from a battle?" Papa asks with a grin.

Escanor's eyes widen a little, "You saw?!" He asks and panics a little.

"We all did," Ban laughs and I look at him confused, "When the Ten Commandments were released, they had set up a fighting festival and Escanor was paired up with Master and they were against Gowther and Jericho so Escanor tried to talk his way to leave the festival to Gloxinia and Drole," Ban explains.

"Oh yes," I say with a nod, "I remember seeing the flyers."

Escanor spins the bottle and it lands on Ban, "Truth or Dare?" He asks.

"Dare," Ban grins looking at the sin.

"I dare you to..." Escanor thinks and fidgets a little then Papa whispers something in his ear, "Kiss the person on the lips you don't love."

"I don't love?" Ban questions and walks to Diane then pecks her lips. He sits beside me and spins the bottle, it lands on me. I look at him and he smirks, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," I say looking at him.

"Perfect," Ban smirks looking at me, "Give the person you're closest to a kiss," He winks.

"A little dance..." I question and look between Papa and Ban before smirking and stands up. I go behind Ban and wrap my arms around his shoulders, from behind and go to kiss his cheek but pull back and skip to Papa then kiss his cheek. I lean over and spin the bottle, it lands on Diane.

The 9 of us continue to play the game until it's early in the morning. King ended up with just his boxers on, Papa was shirtless, Gowther had all his clothes remaining, Diane with her shirt, Merlin lost his shirt, Escanor was in his boxers, Ban was in his box, Isabella was hiding behind Papa with her skirt off and I was in my underwear set.

Ban has been in a little mood with me since the first dare, Ban sits on our bed and I shut the door behind me walking to him. I straddle his lap placing my hands on his shoulders, "Ban? What's wrong?" I ask him as I tilt my head to the side, 

Ban looks up at me, "So, the cap'n is the person you're closest to?" He asks looking at me, "I mean, he's your father but I'm going to be your husband."

I smile a little at him and lean forward then kiss him, "Listen to me Ban... I love you, you are going to be my husband and when we aren't around him you're the person I'm closest to, but when we are with him I feel like that 4-year-old girl who was crying because of a nightmare and her father and uncle came running to her," I tell him and smile, "I feel lie that pathetic, useless and weak child whenever I'm around him."

"You aren't pathetic, useless or weak," Ban wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer, "I just realised something," I lean back looking at him to see him smirking, "We're hardly dressed."

"Nooooo, I'm so tired," I whine and hug him pushing him down, "I just want to go to sleep Ban~"

"But we just got here," Ban chuckles and places his hands on my waist then kisses my cheek lightly.

"Yes and I'm tired," I mumble and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck, "Just shut up and let me sleep, pleaseeeeeeeeee~" I whine and fall asleep before he can tempt me to stay awake even longer.

Ban's P.O.V

"Melody? Mel...?" I call out and look to see her soundly asleep on top of me. I sigh and wrap my arms around her small waist, "Sleep tight," I say before yawning and falling asleep myself.


The next day, I wake up with Little Mel in my arms, I look at her and smile then kiss her forehead, "I'm always going to be here for you, always," I whisper and Melody stirs in my arms, so I quieten down before she wakes up and I get shouted at.

The two of us lay in bed for a little longer before I hear a little whimper coming from her, "B...Ban..." Melody calls out and I look at her, "My head hurts..."

"I'm not surprised, you did knock a lot back last night," I chuckle and slowly sit up with her in my arms.

"Shut up smartass," She grumbles before crawling off my lap.

I shake my head and go to my chest of draws, pulling out a change of clothes and we both get ready. I walk out of the bedroom with Melody chasing behind me, we walk downstairs and I look out the window to see we've stopped travelling. 

I walk to the bar and see the cap'n behind the bar looking at us, "Where are we, Papa?" Melody asks and walks to us.

"Bernia Village, just a couple of hours, we need more ale then we'll go to Camelot so Hawks mother can have a full rest," Cap'n tells her with a smile, "Any complaints?"

"None," Melody shakes her head and I shake mine, "But I will be complaining if you are thinking of cooking for us and going to make us eat anything you make."

"Is that a dig at me to get into the kitchen?" I ask with a grin.

"Yes," Melody giggles and kisses my cheek, "Get in the kitchen."

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