Chapter Eight

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Ban's P.O.V

I stand beside Melody, with her in my arms looking for her uncles. I know the Cap'n said if Melody is involved that they are the best allies we could ask for, but something about them doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's all to do with the fact that they tried to kill the Cap'n not so long ago.

"Well, I need some space while I have the chance," Melody says, snapping me out of my train of thought. I look at her to see her walking out of the throne room.

"Princess!" Cap'n chases after her and grabs her wrist and Melody looks at him, "Please, just stay with one of us at all times."

"I'm not a child," Melody says looking up at him.

"I never said you were," Cap'n says and places his hands on her cheeks, "I just want you safe," He looks at Isabella, "Iss, help me out here."

Isabella walks over, "Your father is right Melody, you need to be with someone. If they are after you because of your power then they won't stop at anything until they get what they want," Isabella says.

Melody looks at her mother then at me, "I'd prefer to be tied to Ban," She says, slightly annoyed.

I know her tone should piss me off but the fact that she picked me over her family does make me feel a little bubbly on the inside. I walk to her and take hold of her hand then I look at Melody, "Come on, let's get you away from the debris," I tell her and the two of us walk out of the room.

"Doesn't matter where I am, I will always be targetted," Melody says and rests her head on my shoulder slightly, "Why can't I just be left alone?"

"There are greedy people in the world and others," I say and chuckles, "Ironic for me to say isn't it?" I smirk as we walk outside to the castle's garden.

We walk along a cobbled path, Melody's eyes focus on the different flowers and we walk up to a bench, "Shall we sit?" Melody says and I agree so we both sit down together, hand in hand on my lap, "I don't know how I'm feeling right now..."

"Probably scared, it's natural," I say and lean back against the backrest of the bench.

"No, I don't think I'm scared..." She says and looks at me, "But it probably is," She leans against me and places her free hand on the back of my hand, "No one has tried to kill me because of my power for so long, I guess I forgot this time of fear I feel."

"It's understandable," I say and Melody rests her head on my shoulder and I lay mind on top of hers, "We won't let anyone touch you or harm you, promise."

The two of us sit together in silence, looking at flowers in front of us and watch the birds. Melody shuffles a little closer to me, our knees brushing together, "I know you'll protect me... I know I'll be safe but don't suffocate me too much, okay?" Melody says.

"We can't promise that," A familiar voice says and we look up to see the Cap'n walking up with Zeldris, "We don't know much on this group of vampires, we don't know truly if it's just you that they want or the whole Britannia, so in order to protect you we may have to suffocate you," He says standing in front of Melody.

"I know that," Melody says and looks at the Cap'n, "So, what you two planning? Locking me in my room? Locking me up in a Camelot dungeon? Sealing up my powers so I can be a temporary human? Whatever you're thinking stick it up up your backsides!" 

My eyes widen a little listening to Melody's words, "We weren't thinking anything like that," Zeldris says.

"You might not have been, but I was," Cap'n says with a blank expression as he looks at Melody who is looking like she's about to murder him, "Look, okay... I won't do anything like that, if you don't want me to," Cap'n says.

"Good," Melody answers bluntly and stands up releasing my hand, "I'm going inside," She says and turns back to the castle, "Come on Ban... My new bodyguard, I'm guessing."

I chuckle and stand up, putting my hands in my pockets, "Catcha, later," I say to the Cap'n and his younger brother then catch up to Melody, following her to our room. 

We walk inside and Melody lays on the bed, I shut the door behind us and start walking to the bed. I stop walking as I hear, "Perfect Cube," I turn and open the door to see Merlin and the Cap'n stood outside our room.

"Cap'n, Merlin, what's going on?" I ask looking between them both.

Melody walks up and I gulp feeling her demonic power overpowering her goddess power, "What do you think you're doing?!" She snaps as she glares at her father.

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