Chapter Sixteen

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Melody's P.O.V

I wake up in my bed, two arms wrapped around my small frame and I turn to see my husband sleeping beside me. I slowly sit up, holding the bed covers to my chest and I smile thinking of our wedding day and the full first day of us married. We didn't do much yesterday, stayed in bed most of it and Ban cooked me anything I wanted, I was like a princess and this room is my castle. 

I look to the door and sigh, "A few hours with my mum then she's gone," I whisper to myself, "Maybe, dad, mum and I could spend today together..."

"That would be a great idea, he got a full day with her yesterday and you on our wedding day... Have a family day," I hear Ban say and I turn to me, "Don't worry you didn't wake me," He says and sits up, "Morning," He kisses my lips before getting out of bed in his naked glory. 

I smile and wrap the bed covers around me, I walk to my closet and pick out a pink sundress with white flats. I make our bed and look at Ban, "Come on," He says holding his hand out to me, I take hold of his hand and we walk downstairs.

"Princess!" Papa says from the bottom of the stairs, "Worried you weren't coming down today," He smiles.

"I'm here Papa, where's mum?" I ask.

"Making your breakfast," He smiles, "I was banished from the kitchen," He chuckles.

"Not surprised," I giggle and we walk to a table with Ban, Mum walks out with our breakfasts. She walks up to us and places the plates on the table then joins us, "Mum... Dad... I was wondering..." I start and they look at me, "If you wanted to have a family day?"

"With Ban?" Mum asks.

"No, just us three..." I say looking at them.

"I'd like that," Mum smiles.

"A beautiful idea, Princess," Papa says with a smile. We all each our breakfast and decide that we'll have a day in Liones together.

After we've eaten I say goodbye to Ban and walk beside Papa as we walk around Lione's market first. Papa holds my hand and smiles then he looks at me, "Hmmm..."

"I am not turning into a child," I roll my eyes and Mum laughs.

"Fine," Papa chuckles and leads us to a stall looking through, "Anything you see Princess?"

I look at the stall and see that's it's a lot of China tea sets, "Not really, Ban and I already have a set from Arthur as a moving in present," I tell him.

"Yeah you do," He nods and we keep looking around.

Mum and Papa both keep asking me if I wanted anything, sometimes I gave up and allowed them to buy me things, but only if Ban could have some use out of them. I don't think I spent so long in a market before in my life, I think we've spent two hours if not an hour. I've loved every moment of it though, I just wish they'd stop spending all their money on me.

Papa leads us through the city, holding our hands and I look at a shop that we pass, but I look forward and keep up with my parents. Mum pulls Papa into a shop and we follow us. She looks around and picks up a black dress then holds it against me, "Pretty," She smiles and looks at me.

I smile at her and take the dress, "I think I might get it," I say looking at it with a smile, "I don't have a dress from mum or chosen by you," I smile at her and she smiles at me. I pay for the dress and we leave the store. 

The three of us walk around the city spending hours popping into shops and out to lunch. We found ourselves in a meadow of fully grown daffodils and sunflowers. I hold Papa's hand as we all walk together and look out at Liones as the sun starts to set, "Beautiful," I whisper.

"It is," Mum says and sits up, "I'm getting a little sleepy now."

Papa and I sit down, we sit in a triangle together, "Are you okay?" Papa asks her and she nods. 

I watch as her eyelids start getting heavy, "Mum?" She smiles at me and shakes her head.

"I'll be okay, it won't hurt... Just stay with me," She whispers and Papa shuffles over to her then brings her into his arm.

"We won't go anywhere, come here Princess," Papa says and I go over to him then he brings me into their hold, "Promise Issie, we won't leave you alone."

"Thank you," Mum whispers and looks at us, "I love you both so much," She looks up at Papa, "Don't wait out for me Meli."

I hide my face in Papa's stomach, holding back my tears listening to their goodbyes, "You know there's no one else who I'll ever love as I love you, Issie... Don't ask me the impossible," Papa says.

"Make sure Ban treats our Princess like the beauty she is," Mum says and I feel her kiss my head, "I love you so much, my little Princess."

"I love you too," I whisper and look at her to see her body glowing then began fading away, "Thank you for loving me, mum."

"Always, Princess," She says and looks at Papa then the two of them kiss and I look away giving them some privacy.

I feel two arms wrap around me and I look to see Papa crying, "Papa?" I look around to see mum isn't there.

"She's gone, Princess," He says and I wrap my arms around him. We cry and sit together until we have both calmed down enough to go home.


We walk into the tavern holding hands, I rush upstairs, "Mel?" Ban calls out and I hear footsteps following. I run into our room and drop the bags carefully before diving under the bed covers. "Melody..." Ban says shutting the door and walks over to the bed, he lays beside me and pulls me into his arms, "It's okay, I'm here," He says as he holds me close and I soon fall asleep out of exhaustion. 

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