Chapter 16: Never Again

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Me, Zane, and Chazz were both looking at Jaden unconscious. He dueled the first Shadow Rider that appeared on the Island and won. It turns out it was Alexis's missing brother, Atticus. Atticus was unconscious too and Alexis was watching over him with tears in her eyes but with a smile.

Myself, being held prisoner during Jaden and Nightschroud's duel, I had multiple wraps of bandages on my one arm and my leg. The burns were bad, but the Nurse said that in time they should heal. As long as I don't touch them.

I stood next to Jaden's hospital bed watching every breath, making sure he would be ok. Zane placed a hand on my shoulder, "He'll be alright (Y/N). He just needs time to rest." He tries to reassure me. "Can you guys give us a minute? I want to be alone with him." I tell them and they agreed, even Alexis.

The infirmary was now dead silent. The only noises that were made was the ceiling fan cutting through the air and the heart monitors beeping. Jaden just saved my life. Why would he risk his life for me?

Out of nowhere, a monster spirit crept up from behind me and looked at Jaden looking sad. It had brown hair all over it's body and cute little angel wings to fly. I-Is that a Kuriboh?

"H-Hello?" I said to the Kuriboh. I'm still new to this whole seeing Monster Spirits thing. I wondered if it understood me? I got my answer quick when the Kuriboh made a noise and floated towards me, nuzzling my cheek. "Aww. Your so cute." I say scratching his head for him and he looked delighted.

I was fooling around with the Kuriboh, laughing. Somehow he made all my fears and sadness go away and filled them with happiness and joy.

I then hear Jaden grunt in pain and the fears and sadness returned. Jaden's teeth were together trying to ease the pain. He was trying to get up.

"Jaden!" I shout running to his aid. Jaden was still trying to lift himself out of bed making his injuries worse. I placed my hand on his chest gently pushing him down trying to make him rest, "Jaden stop. Your hurt. You need rest." Jaden's eyes opened and focused around the room, "Where am I?" He said. Jaden's eyes then met mine, "(Y/N)?" He said in a soft voice, like he was relieved to see me. I started to feel tears coming down my face, "Yes. It's me Jaden. I'm here." I said relieved as well. I'm so glad he was ok.

~Jaden's POV~

I was so happy to see (Y/N) alright. I reached out to touch her sweet face. Her cheeks were soft and wet from the tears she cried. "Don't cry. I'm fine (Y/N)." I reassured her. She took my hand off her cheek and held it. Her grip was so tight on my hand, it's like she was holding for dear life.

I heared footsteps outside the door and the door opened. It was Syrus. (Y/N) put down my hand and quickly wipped away her tears away. She told Syrus to please give us time alone and Syrus left.

(Y/N) then sat beside me, looking at me with her beautiful eyes and a smile. She brushed my hair some hair out of my face. Her touch made me blush.

"(Y/N)?" I called her name. She responded with her calm, soothing voice, "Yes Jaden?". I wanted to hear her voice, it makes me feel safe. "I want you to stay the night here. Please?" I asked her and she looked around puzzled, "I would love to but...where would I-" I cut her off by scootching over so that there was room on my hospital bed. "You can sleep next to me. C'mon. It'll be fun." I reassure her. She smiled and climbed in.

I saw her shivering from how cold the infirmary was. So we both shared the blanket and now (Y/N) was more closer to me. She put her head on my chest and I wrapped us up with the blanket. We didn't speak. We just let the silence pass by and went to sleep.

She was so...warm and cosy to hug.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

He was so warm and...strong to hug.

I love him more than anything else.

I never want to see him hurt again...ever...

Meanwhile in Professor Banner's Office...

"What is your report on Ms. Anderson, Professor Banner?" The mysterious man on the phone asked.

Professor Banner flipped open a case file with (Y/N)'s name on it. "It appeares Ms.Anderson is in love with Jaden Yuki, Kagemaru"

"Who?" Kagemaru asked.

"Jaden Yuki sir. He is a Slifer Student. The best student we have had in a very long time..." Banner then gave an evil smile"

"So...The Darklord Duelist is in love. We cannot let their relationship grow. Does she not realize what powers she posseses? I will send the next Shadow Rider on the island. She will not fail. And she will put a stop to their nonsense."


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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jaden Yuki X Reader(Female) - The Darklord DuelistWhere stories live. Discover now