Chapter Four: Fearless

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I screamed and jumped backward; I was mentally yelling at myself for not taking my mom seriously enough to carry that pepper spray.

"Bella?" I knew that voice.

"Jasper?" I was pretty sure of who it was, but I had no clue how he would know where I live.

"Yes. Sorry, are you okay?" So, I was right but how the hell did he know where I lived?

"Jasper, how did you know I lived here?" I asked him. Letting a million different scenarios play in my head before I even finished the question.

He hesitated, I heard it. "Uh... Long story?" I think he was afraid, what did he do, follow me home? Was he scared to tell me if he had? "Where were you going?"

"I have a lot on my mind, I was going to drive around and try to clear my head a little bit" it was the truth. Except for the part where I didn't remember what I was stressed out over and I was really freaking out over why Jasper was at my house so late. Or how he had found my house to begin with because I didn't tell him where it was.

"I'll drive around with you if you like?" I would very much like that but a little voice in my head, that sounded a lot like Liv's voice told me to say no.

"Wait a minute, how did you even get here?" I asked him, trying to figure him out a little bit.

"My buddy dropped me off after we saw Xan back out", okay that makes some sense. "My buddies Aunt lives up the street a little so after I went up there with him I came here to see if you were okay" his hand found my arm in the darkness.

I mean that does make sense, "oh okay. Thank you for checking on me" I motioned him to follow me to the garage. I punched in my numbers and slipped in through the little door. I opened the bigger door and motioned Jasper in. He got into the car and I backed out, closing the door. "Where do you live?" I asked him. It seemed only fitting I knew where he lived since he knew where I lived.

"I would love to show you, make a left", I did "I'll show you where my dad grew up and then where we just moved too" he smiled at me. "You see my dad grew up here, he moved here when he was four with his mom and they lived with his grandmother, his mom's mom. After he grew up, he moved away to South Carolina and met my mom. He came home because his mom's sick and she's not sure how long she has left. My mom refused to move up here and since she never really wanted me, I came with my dad. My mom has always told me that I was her mistake child because my sisters and my brothers are popular and everything and I", he air quoted, "only wear black, the color of demons. My mom told me I was the devil's child and her biggest regret" he didn't look hurt on the outside, but his eyes said more. "Make a left up here" just past Alex's house was a stop sign and I made the left like Jasper said. "The um third house up here. Oh, right here" he pointed to a decent sized gray colored house with a wraparound porch and faded blue shutters, "is where grandma lives" he looked at it in awe. "I remember visiting here one summer when I was really young and my older sister Elaina, she's two years older than me, anyways she fell into the pool in the back and ruined this new dress mom had got her. She was so upset about the dress; I mean she really could have died if my dad wasn't right there and was able to jump in. It was all about the dress though" he half smiled. I felt hurt for some reason, in a way this funny little memory was so sad.

"How many siblings do you have? If you don't mind my asking" I smiled at him.

He smiled back, "oh no I don't mind at all. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. Make a right up here. Dashmon is 24, Audree is 22, Elaina is 20, I'm going on 18. Take this road Y to the left. Maggie is 14, Seth is 10 and Charlotte is 3. Right up here" he had a pretty big family. "I'm pretty sure my mom didn't plan for Charlotte. I love her though because she's the only one who doesn't hate me. She's the only one who will miss me now. Right here" I slowed down in front of a smaller building. It was basically on the complete other end of my neighborhood. It was cute but I had a feeling it wasn't one little house. "It's a duplex. The left side is ours. Well, it's mostly mine, my dad spends so much time over with my grandma that I mostly live here alone. Grandma is leaving her house and everything to my dad so soon we'll probably be living over there" he looked from his house back to me.

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