Chapter Twenty- One: Fairy Godmother

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The airport in Dellaine was small compared to all the ones I have been in, there was only one place to land, and take off. One roughly small size pad for the passengers to get on and off the plane. The inside had two little shops, one offering coffee and food, the other offering some shirts and hoodies and three different style hats. The food place had four tables to sit at and one small bar area with two stools. I knew this place never saw the amount of people the usual airport saw, if you really want to call it an airport. I only saw one plane.

"The palace has its own planes. But this is the closest place to the palace that we can land when taking a commercial flight", Rain explained to me. She made a motion towards Aklia, who was standing behind me. "Aklia has flown on the royal planes with the Queen before but I have not, I prefer to keep my paws on the ground,'' she told me smiling at her little joke.

"I honestly love flying to new places, since I was a child my father and my mother, have taken me and Liv to many new places for vacation,'' I explained.

"Dad said he just threw a pin at the map and wherever it landed is where we went!" Liv added, smiling just before her face fell. "Sometimes my mother would come too", Liv added turning away from us but pretending to look around. There wasn't much to look at, but she turned around and around, keeping her eyes on the walls.

The walls had a couple little painting and a handful of pictures, most of them were in black and white, I slowed down to look at them. The first photo had one larger building and one smaller one in black and white. The second photo had two larger buildings and one smaller one, two of the three buildings matched the first photo. I moved down to the third photo which had the same number of buildings as the second but there was a fence and a huge gate outside of the buildings. The fourth photo depicted two larger buildings and three smaller ones, with an even smaller, small building just inside the gate. The fifth and final photo was bright with pastel colors, the buildings were all a beautiful light stone with colored banners and accents hanging all over it. The photo showed me three big building, five small ones and two tiny gate buildings. All a light-colored stone, the largest building was centered in the photo, directly behind the gate, there was a beautiful colored rock display on the sides of the path leading through the gate. It was beyond beautiful to look at, so I stood there just staring at the photo a little longer than I looked at the other ones.

"That's the palace" I heard a voice behind me, but I really didn't register what it said at first. I had a blank moment

"What?" I said, then it clicked what they said, "Why is it so colorful?" I motioned back to the other photographs on the wall, "those pictures don't have banners" I even glanced back to check to see if I had missed them.

"That is how the palace has changed and grown throughout the years,'' Aklia told me as she walked up to join me and Quin by the wall.

Rain and Liv came over to join us by the pictures, Rain smiled seeing what I was looking at. "That was taken during the festival, the Queen started a festival to showcase the palace and the kingdom. It's to bring the people together. It's actually happening here in a few days I believe" Rain meet Aklia's eyes and she nodded to her.

"We should get a move on" Aklia said, scooping up her carry-on bag and Quin. None of the other wolves had carry on bags.

Liv had our carry-on bags and I took them from her," thanks for getting them", I told her. "I got a little distracted", I smiled at her, she smiled back and then looked forward, paying close attention to where we were going.

Aklia led us through the airport and out to a line of cars that was waiting for us. "I called ahead", Aklia explained, "they got all their drivers ready. Six people per car, the other bags are already in the back. We are going to be dropped off at a small motel just out from the palace, we can walk the rest of the way in" Aklia told me after everyone headed to the cars. I opted for the car with Aklia so maybe she could explain some things as we drove through the kingdom.

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