Chapter Twenty- Four: Could I Be?

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A few days went by, the people outside slowly disappeared and finally, they stopped coming back altogether. Being in the palace got a little easier but I really wished my dad was here to show me what I am doing wrong. We always got along and made the best team; he would be able to help me learn these traditions in ways that weren’t so stressful.

My days were spent in the library with Rain, Liv and my mother learning things that I would have already learned if I had grown up here. From how things have changed around the Kingdom, to the way the castle had been redesigned. Some of the stuff was nice to learn and some of it was stupid, but I learned it all. I learned all the traditions and the way they have changed each generation. When that was all said and done, we went to the ballroom and I learned to dance.

I learned the dance my great great great grandparents did, the night they meet. I learned the dance my great great grandparents did and the one my great grandparents did. Then I learned the dances of my grandparents and parents, and I learned how to dance with a gentleman, as I would have to at the full moon ball.

“I thought the ball was for when I learned to control my powers?” I asked my mother.

“Well your next step is learning how to control your wolf form and all the rules that come with being a royal wolf.” Aklia answered me as she joined us in the ballroom. “Though you’re not technically on the RWG it is your guard to look after when you become the queen. You command all the guards, actually” Aklia added, taking a small bow to my mother.

“If you’ll come with me” Aklia made a motion to me and I followed her out of the ballroom, down the hall and out the back door. Rain caught up with us, as we broke into a run.

I shifted mid-run and chased Aklia through the forest around the palace. Rain was on our heels and soon enough more and more wolves joined us.

“Lead us” Aklia told me in my head.

“How?” I asked.

“Well if you run, we follow. We go where you go and follow your every command” Rain told me.

Aklia fell back and I took the lead, we ran through the woods and just wandered around. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right or wrong but everyone was following me, so I kept moving.

“We need to hunt” Aklia told me.

“It’s easy,” Rain added “just say the work aloud and everyone will follow your command. You got this” she reassured me.

“Let’s hunt” I thought a loud.

“Yes, your highness” the wolves said and started to break off.

I stayed with Rain and Aklia, we hunted a bit and then Aklia said we needed to get back.

“Just tell them we need to head home” Rain thought.

“Assemble them” Aklia said.

“Let’s get home” I said. “Did I do that right?” I asked Rain. She seemed to believe in me more than Aklia.

“Right behind you” the wolves said. I felt my mood lift at the knowledge that I was actually doing this, and pretty well if I do say so myself.

When we made it back to the palace, I shifted mid-walk and continued walking into the castle like it was nothing. “Aklia, how did I do today?” I asked her.

My mother was waiting for us as we rounded into the hall towards the sitting room. “I’m not sure what you want to me teach her, she goes into her wolf mid-run and shifts right back mid-walk. Just like it’s nothing. They all hang on her every word, I am useless here”, Aklia stormed off then and slammed the back door as she went out it.

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