Chapter Twenty: Beauty's Beast

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Days went by, we went out from eight at night until two in the morning. Then we would meet and talk sometimes until three. A week after my dad had gone missing the cops stopped looking, but the local hunters were still searching for the wolves. The posted signs and online comments said they wanted to shoot and kill every single one of the wolves in the area. I was starting to get scared; I needed the pack out of here. I didn't want to be the reason anyone got hurt.

Early on a Saturday I heard a knock at my door, I left Liv sleep in my bed and went down to see who it was. Jasper stood on the other side of my door, he waltzed in and grabbed me; tipping me back he kissed me. I jumped away and almost fell, catching the wall.

"Did I frighten you?" he asked.

"Caught me off guard. Where have you been?" I asked him. I found it odd that he had been gone for so long without any contact and happened to reappear after my dad was gone. Not to mention my mom being out of town.

"I had some business to attend to," he smiled at me.

I checked my phone, I texted Aklia and told her I needed help ASAP. I turned away from Jasper and went into the kitchen, pouring myself some juice. I turned to put the juice away and he drank my whole glass.

"Really?" I asked him.

He laughed, "I'm a little dehydrated,'' he smiled at me, still laughing. I put the juice away without getting anymore for myself.

"I have a question for you" Jasper taunted, following me into the dinning room. "Be my girlfriend?" he asked me, pushing me into a chair and leaning over me.

"No thank you" I said to him.

"What?" he sounded angry.

"I do not wish to be your girlfriend" I said to him, trying to push away from him.

He slammed me back into my chair and kissed me. He started yelling at me; "I like you, actually no I love you and I want to hold you in my arms and kiss you and call you mine but your to perfect and amazing to ever like someone let alone love someone like me. I am nothing like you and I will never be in your league. I will never be able to be with you." he paused to catch his breath and I heard my door open. Jasper smacked me across my face, "I warned you" he screamed at me. "You fucking wolf!" he yelled in my face; I saw Rain around the corner then I heard Aklia growl. Jasper whipped around, "I should have taken you with the fucking daddy she had." I lunged for him, tackling him to the ground before I even realized I had changed. I felt someone's hands clutching me, it was Rain trying to pull me away.

"You're losing it. Let him go!" she yelled, I heard Liv squeal and I shifted back.

"Liv" I said laying on the ground. She said something to Rain who ran out of the room, I heard Aklia shift back, Rain returned, and Liv was kneeling beside me.

"Thank you" Liv said taking a bowl and rag from Rain. "This is going to hurt love, please stay calm" Liv said to me dunking the rag in the bowl.

"Gay bitch" I heard Jasper growl, I glanced past Liv and saw Jasper standing over her. I tried to lunge but Rain had him first, they drug him out of the room and out of my house.

"Relax" Liv said touching my tensed arms and fists. "Relax my beast" she said to me. I stared at her while she pressed the cold rag to my swollen face, I knew I would be bruised from his hits, they were starting to ache now that the adrenaline was fading. "I told you I would take care of you this time," she said seeing my stare.

"I love you my beauty" I said to her, as I laid on the floor, letting her take care of me. She was safe right now and that was all that mattered

After the bleeding stopped Liv got me up and to the couch in the living room. I laid there until I fell asleep. When I woke up some time later it was dark out and Liv, Rain, Quin and Aklia were all sitting at the table eating pizza laughing. I smiled seeing Liv fit in so well with wolves. She really was born to be a princess, so sweet and caring. She had a place in her heart for everyone she met.

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