Chapter Sixteen: Graced

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Liv led the way down to the rocks we have always sat on; my dad was in tow looking around as we walked.

"Wow this is such a beautiful place, how did you come to find it?" he asked finally looking where we were going.

"Actually", Liv said, "Xan's uncle or something used to collect samples down here and then Xan started bringing us down here after any and all long days at school. Sometimes he would come get us after he had practice just so we could all come down here, it’s the most relaxing place we have ever found." Liv glanced back at me, I smiled to let her know that I was okay. We finally made it down to the rocks and dad started looking all around again, I was starting to think he didn't want to tell us anything. I glanced at Liv and from the half angry look on her face, she agreed with me.

"Okay, dad so tell me something" he looked at me.

"Well I thought you could start by telling me what you know" he slid the little comment in to quickly.

"Yeah well, I have a feeling your not going to tell me anything, so you can start. You talk, we talk", I smiled at his angry expression. I was not about to spill everything and still get no solid answers out of him.

"Okay", he agreed way to fast for my taste.

"Just to be clear", I interrupted him, "you give me a half ass answer or something stupid I could google I will do the same." I was not allowing him to hit me with a loophole method, that was my game, not his.

He sighed, "Okay well I am your father, the mother you know is not your real mother. She had a stillborn daughter she was going to name Angela, I met her the day she got out of the hospital, I told her some of the truth but she thinks my wife, your real mother is kind of crazy", he stared at me.

"I know my mother’s name is Accalia; she had two brothers Thomas and Solomon. Thomas died and Solomon disgraced the family and he got disowned but they reference him as dead", my father stared at me.

He looked around and I met Liv's eyes, he turned back to me. "Have you? "he trailed off not knowing how to ask the question.

Liv beat me to it, "she has changed, she's white and slightly tan" she met my eyes, "her eyes are gold when she changes."

"So, you know too?" he asked Liv.

"Yes", she answered him, "she is my best friend, of course I know"

"That is why they protect you as well," he told Liv, he looked at me. "Have you heard from Jasper?"

"No" I answered him.

"Have you heard from Xan?"

"No" I said again.

"Bells, what else do you know about your mother?" he asked me.

I almost answered him, "not how this is working. You talk first", we stared at each other.

"Well how about you ask a question and I will answer it because I don't want to tell you something you already know.

"Okay." I thought for a moment, I met his eyes and sat up straighter. "Why are the wolves around town?" he smiled.

"The wolves are the RWG,"

"Royal Werewolf Guard", he, Liv and I all said together."

My father smiled, "they located you, not sure if it was on their own or if your mother found you but they are here to keep you and those close to you, safe. I haven't been able to meet with them but if you would shift and talk to them, they would probably tell you a lot more about the kingdom now than I can. I know things change every two years; we have been gone for almost 17 years." he sighed.

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