Chapter Five: Frenemies

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I was in a good mood even though I knew Liv was going to yell at me like my mom, if she didn't just call and tell my mom for spite. This was one of those moments you want to call and tell your best friend about, but I couldn't call and tell her if she wasn't talking to me because she wanted to dictate my life. I really didn't even know what to do or say to her anymore. I never thought anything would break Liv and I apart. Jasper spun me again as the song came to an end and when I looked at the stairs Liv and Alex were gone. I'm not sure if it upset me or not. I guess it's a good thing, because I really didn't want to fight with Liv anymore.

"Jasper?" he looked at me "we should go lay down for school" he smiled and unplugged my phone. He shut down the radio system and took my hand as I led him up the steps.
"Princess?" I looked back at him, "Can I ask about Liv?"

I was caught off guard, but I half smiled at him, "sure you can. I'll explain her upstairs. Okay?" his only answer was a small smile and a squeeze of my hand.

We made it up to my room without any run-ins with Liv or Alex but I'm pretty sure I saw Liv peeking out of the guest room door. I was secretly waiting for Liv to text me asking for details in some silly covert way, but that message didn't come. I heard her running down my steps and I caught myself wanting to run after her and tackle her, but I sat still and sighed. I started telling Jasper about Liv and me, deciding the beginning of everything was the best way to start, even though I was pretty sure I was going to cry my eyes out. I silently prayed Liv would hear and care enough to check on me.

"Okay, I'm probably going to cry though this whole thing. I'm sorry ahead of time" Jasper just half smiled and took my hand, waiting patiently for me to begin. "Liv's mom, Alicia and my mom, Cynthia have been best friends since their third-grade year and my mom was in the hospital with me for five days after giving birth and Liv's mom was in the hospital for three days. Liv and I were born two days apart I'm the 13th and Liv is the 15th of July. Since our parents requested the same room for their stay during our birth times, Liv and I have literally been together since day one. Well day one for her at least" I was already crying. Sobbing, I really needed my best friend back. "Since then we do everything together. We learned to walk, holding hands across my living room floor. We started dance together, singing, everything that has ever had to do with school it's always been Liv and Bella against the world and not having her with me is killing me. We even went at the same time for our driver’s tests' the only thing is that I pasted, and Liv failed", I paused there to blink back some tears and clear my head.

"Is that when you two became distant?" Jasper asked me, he was being sincere, and it made me cry that much harder.

No? Wait, yes? No, no, yes. I wasn't sure, maybe? Could Jasper be right? Could my passing the test and Liv failing be the huge wedge between us? I shock those thoughts off and continued telling him about Liv, I picked up with the part about Xan, Liv and me.

"You saw me at the mall when I was crying by the fountains?" It wasn't really a question because I knew the answer, Jasper nodded. "Well I was there with Alex, Xan and Liv. Xan swears that he likes me and sometimes I wonder if he's joking around. Anyways, after Liv saw you with me, she blew up on me saying how I needed to be with Xan so I would be able to fit in. That upset me more than anything she could have said because I don't want to fit in like Liv does, she's popular and pretty and very classy. She's a perfect princess type royalty girl, prep whatever; you get me?" Jasper nodded so I continued talking. "I like Xan and all, but I can't fit in with his perfect athlete, jock, all-star Romeo spotlight crap. I wasn't meant to be seen as a perfect prep or the queen of the world. He was made for that, even Liv was made for that, but I wasn't. I can't be, I hate that attention that I get from all of that. I don't even know why I just hate all the eyes on me all the time. I couldn't live like that and I thought Liv understood that, but I guess I was wrong" I was hard core crying now. I was balling my eyes out and then I heard my door click open.

"Bells?" it was Liv. Wait Liv really did care enough to check on me. She must have heard me crying and got worried. I jumped up off the bed and through my arms around her. "I didn't know that was what had you so worked up. I'm so sorry, Bells I didn't mean it like that!" she was half yelling now and she was directly in my face.

"Were you standing at the door the whole time?" I laughed a little and she smiled through her tears.

"Not at first till Alex told me you we're talking about us" she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "I love you Bells."

I laughed, "I love you too Livvy."

We hugged for a good few minutes and she pulled away first.
"Bells please talk to me? I really can't do this frenemies thing anymore" she didn't laugh or smile, she was dead serious now.

I smiled at her "I'd love to Livvy" my whole day was just made by this little statement. We stopped hugging and she smiled at me, I decided I should introduce her to Jasper. "Liv", I spun her around to face my bed, "this is Jasper. Jasper, Liv" I said motioning between the two of them.

Jasper took Liv's outstretched hand, "pleasure to meet you" he smiled at her and kissed her hand.

She was openly staring at him; I was guessing it was because he was shirtless, and he looked really good shirtless I mean that body was totally drool worthy. I won't admit that again, I paused to make sure I didn't speak my thoughts out loud. Hearing the door creak, Liv snapped out of her haze and looked up; as did Jasper and me.

It was Alex walking through the door, "are you two good now? I can't handle you not being good so if you’re not I have a rope here", he motioned his hands up as they were holding onto a rope way tighter than they needed to be.

Jasper broke in and spoke before Liv or I could, "they are good, and you can let your knuckles breath there", he got off the bed and took the rope from Alex.

"Who the fuck are you?" Alex wasn't nice, like ever. I really didn't understand why I was even his friend, but I was, so I smacked him.

"Alex be nice"

"Asshole" Liv muttered, and I laughed

"Jasper, Alex" I motioned from Jasper to Alex,

"Alex the asshole" Liv chimed in.

We all laughed. "Where is Xan?", I asked, "I saw him here earlier?" I wasn't sure why he hadn't come over to my room yet, unless it was because of Jasper.

"When was he here?" Liv asked, she sounded shocked.

"He came in with you two" I looked at her and Alex.

"No, he didn't Bells" Liv looked so sad suddenly.

Alex, having no care for emotions looked at me dead set, "are you going mad?" he looked at Liv and back to me, refusing to look at Jasper.

"Ummm?" I didn't know how to answer that.

"Oh, Bells" Liv touched Alex's arm completely turning away from me.

"Oh fine" Alex rolled his eyes, then looked at me and took a deep breath. "Bella, there's no way you saw Xan here, he rolled his car not to long after he left. He's in the hospital." Alex turned to hold Liv while she sobbed and I just collapsed onto my bed.
Jasper laid with me and wrapped his arms around me, he held me and asked no questions. The same thoughts were on replay in my head.
Xan leaving upset, driving recklessly, rolling, smashing, crying, it was all my fault. This injury was on me and if worse came to worse, the blood of this death is on my hands.

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