Chapter Nineteen: Dad

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I have never reached the point in my life where I was truly afraid of losing someone. I finally had someone that cared. I was letting my heart talk to my head as I lay in bed next to Liv. Her head was on my arm and her hand was above my heart, she hadn’t moved since I got back into bed from using the bathroom. It almost looked like she was smiling in her sleep and it was so beautiful. Wow! Someone actually loves me for me, without a care towards my flaws. Liv wants to fix my broken pieces, even though I am afraid I might hurt her I want nothing more than to protect her from everything. Liv's mother has beaten on her since she was very young, her stepfather burned her. She has scars but she pretends like they don't bother her, people stare and ask and judge. She pushes it off like it's nothing.

She's literally the strongest person I know, and I would do anything to save her, even if it would kill me. I closed my eyes and just thought about the little moments I have had with Liv; she means more to me than anyone else. She is the one person I can't stand to lose.

"Maybe forever is possible" I said out loud, not meaning too.

"Say it again without the doubt" I heard Liv whisper.

"Forever is possible" I said, opening my eyes. "Forever is possible" I said again, "with you." I added.

Liv smiled at me and shifted, pushing off the bed to kiss me. "Forever and always" she smiled.

"I love you Livvy" I said to her, shocking myself and her.

"I love you more" she kissed me again.

I heard a crashing noise, followed by a howl, "shit" I said out loud. I jumped out of bed and Liv turned reaching for her shoes. We dressed quickly and I jumped right over the stairs, landing on the floor at the bottom as Liv ran down the steps. I headed for the back door, I ran to the wood line and shifted, Liv was right on my heels until I shifted. I looked around but didn't see her, peaking out into my yard I saw my car backing out of the garage. I turned and ran towards the howl, breaking into a field a moment later I saw a tan and deep brown colored wolf on the ground.

"Who?" I asked in my head.

"The king was hurt", Aklia answered, I brought him away from the car" she looked at me, "he shifted after the accident."

I stepped towards my dad, "where is the car?"

"Road, east" she answered.

"He needs to shift back to go to the hospital," I said. "Try to shift him"

"Someone else was in the car" I took off to the east.

Who else could have been in that car? What could have happened? My dad is an amazing driver, something had to have been done to him to cause that much damage.

Just as I saw the flashing lights, I turned. I ran up a little and shifted, running out of the woods.
I ran right into my car, "Liv" I said panting and ripping my driver door open.

"It was dad wasn't it?" Liv asked me.

"Yeah", she took my hand and we sat in silence. "Someone had to have done something. He's an amazing driver."

"Agreed" Liv said, watching me. She must have been trying to gauge my reactions. I closed my eyes. Liv's grip on my hand tightened, "babe" she said to me.

I leaned over towards her, putting my head on her shoulder. She laid her head on mine. We stayed this way for a few minutes, then I heard another howl. I sighed, "be right back." I tried to smile at her, she sighed.

I climbed back into the woods; I saw the other wolves, so I shifted. They had my dad, we moved him towards the edge of the trees, and I ran back towards the car.

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