Chapter Nine: Adopted Secrets

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I came to but my body felt heavy, like an elephant was pushing down on me, everywhere many elephants all over me. I was in tears, but I didn't feel anything on my face. I looked around but my eyes didn't move. I couldn't see anything if I couldn't move my eyes, I laid there trying to blink for a few minutes until my vision was clearer and then I waited until it felt easier to breath and then I tried looking around; this time my eyes moved. I was in an all-white room and I vaguely remembered Jasper bringing me to the hospital, my hearing kicked in then and I heard the steady beeping of monitors around me. I looked around the room, it was dark. I tried moving my hands around for the buttons to turn the light on or call for someone or something.

"I wouldn't turn those lights on" I froze because I wasn't sure who was talking to me. A guy moved into my vision then, "I'm your doctor, Dr. Grit" he smiled at me, but I couldn't move my face enough to smile back. I blinked instead. "Don't try to talk it probably hurts" he looked at his clipboard "looks like you came into a running with some strawberries, which caused the blackout" he looked up at me. "I treated that, and I also see you have had a monster of a week basically" he flipped some papers, looked at me and flipped some more papers. "Any who you have a minor concussion, slight whiplash and a small rash left over from the strawberry contact" he pushed all the papers back down and looked at me seriously, "I tried to call your parents, but no one answered at home. Your friend said they are out of town. I am going to check your throat now." He moved towards me and pressed his cold fingers to my neck, he then grabbed something behind me, "can you open your mouth up?" I tried to move my jaws, but they weren't working. I looked up at him, he smiled "that's okay we can try that again later, get some rest I will tell the nurses to keep a close eye on you" he smiled and slid my door closed as he left.

I closed my eyes trying to relax and then I remembered that there are crazy people after me that want to kill me because they think I am a werewolf. I wanted so badly to get out of bed and run away but I couldn’t move at all. I laid there in my dark hospital room and stared at the ceiling, willing my body to work. First, I tried lifting my fingers up and wiggling them, it finally worked. The toes moved next and then my wrists, my arms, shoulders, torso and finally my neck moved. I turned my head side to side, I sat up and saw a shadow outside my room, a little voice in my head that sounded oddly like Jasper's started yelling and as it got louder and more forceful with the words my body moved more and more. I was all worked up and my body seemed to be working fine and just as I decided I was going to try getting out of bed and escaping the hospital, the door opened.

"Were you plotting an escape?" I just looked at the figure, the shadow stepped closer and I was ready to spring at it. "You look like you've seen a ghost" the figure stepped into the little bit of light shining in through the window and I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and I slipped out of the stance I had been in.

"Liv" my voice was broken but I was so happy to see her. Her name was the first word I had been able to say since waking up, and it felt so good to say it.

"What was all" she made a crazy hand motion gesturing every which way, "that about?" She had a look on her face that looked curious, but I really wasn't sure because she also seemed really mad.

"Where" my voice broke, so I took a breath and tried again; "where have you been?" There were a few breaks but nothing to bad and Liv understood me, I was just happy that my voice was starting to clear up and join the rest of my oddly over healed body.

"I got to the house about an hour after school got out, with Alex. He came inside with me and we were sitting in the living room quizzing each other on those science vocabulary words" I nodded to her and she kept going. "We heard a noise and I thought it might be you and Jasper, but I also knew it was too soon and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the black cars and the creepy guys in suits. Alex and I snuck out the back and hid in the wood line until we could make it to his car and get out. My phone is in your house still and so is Alex's, I think because we couldn't find it; I couldn't even call you. I was so scared that you would get caught and I didn't know how to get ahold of you, or Jasper and I couldn't exactly leave a warning note on the kitchen counter. Ya know what I mean?" I got a vibe that Liv thought all of this was her fault, somehow Liv always thought me getting hurt was her fault.

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