Just the way you are pt. 3

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Steve laid Zara's body on his soft bed and climbed in between her legs. He removed his shirt and tossed nit to the floor. He leaned down and trailed kissed down her neck while her hands roamed his toned back.

He slowly unzipped her dress at the back and pulled it down her body. She used her hands to cover up her curves but he grabbed her hands and kissed her belly. "Don't hide anything from me."

He kissed the hem of her panties and she sucked in the air. She dug her nails in his shoulders and his back...

In the morning Zara felt a pair of strong hands hugging her. The memory of yesterday's events came rushing back to her like a volcano. She tried to turn around without waking him up but he has solder hearing. "Good morning beautiful." He whispered with morning voice that made her hair stand up on her hands. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a queen." She kissed his chin. "I could get used to it."

"That's fine by me." Steve left the bed and shivered by the cold air hitting his naked body. "Enjoying the view?"

"Always." She threw a pillow at him and put on his shirt and Marry's shorts that he threw her. "I'll be downstairs making breakfast."

It must have been something like ten minutes when Zara heard the doorbell ring. She heard woman's voice and her curiosity got the better of her. There was Steve, standing in between the doors, a dark haired woman around his neck.

She was about to storm out when she saw Steve pushed the lady away from him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"I came home, to you." She wanted to step inside but he blocked the entrance.

Steve looked towards his bedroom and saw Zara standing there. "Leave now, like you left five years ago. I don't love you anymore." He closed the door behind her and locked it down just to be sure. He walked straight to Zara. "I'm sorry you had to see this. Miss. Rolins was..." He was interrupted by her lips forcefully kissing him.

"It's okay. I heard the story already from my brother." She smiled. "So where is that breakfast?"

Steve picked her up and she put her legs around his torso. "I have something better in mind." He winked and opened the bedroom door."

Later that evening Zara got a message from Steve.

S: hey beautiful my friends wants to meet my girl tonight if that's okay with you 😉

Z: aren't you too old for emojis? 😅🥰 And yes I would love to met them.

S: old? That's not what you thought yesterday or this morning 😛 can't wait to see you pick you up in two hours.

Zara's heart skipped a beat.... My girls... is that what she is now? She blushed at the thought of his naked body and decided to go shopping to clear her mind before dinner. Meeting Steve's friends wasn't just a walk in a park.

She put on a flower dress that complimented her body type to the point and took a taxi to the address Steve has given her. He waited for her outside as he promised he would. "Hey." She greeted and pecked his cheek.

"Come here." He pulled her by her waist and connected their lips in a sweet kiss. "Now we can go in." He smirked. He sensed her nervousness so he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. "Just be yourself they will love you."

"Hey, you must be the girl who stole our boss's heart." Lou hugged her. "I'm Lou Grover, nice to meet you.

Tani stood up and pulled her in for a hug. "He is pretty distracted by thinking about you all the time." She joked.

"Okay, guys." Steve laughed.

"What its true." Danny kissed her cheek. "You are a big softie now. I'm Danny by the way. His best friend."

"Nice to see you again." Adam winked from across the table.

Steve sat down next to Zara and put his hand on her thigh to let everyone know she was his. His friends accepted her and in no time she was Ohana.

"I love them. They are so fun." She whispered to him.

Steve planted a kiss on her forehead. "They adore you." He winked at her. "And I love you."


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