Chapter 1: Traveling through Cunt-O!!!... I mean! Kanto!!!

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A/N: All the characters are 17+

Narrator: It's a beautiful day in Pallet Town in the Kanto region, where people and pokemon live and work together in perfect harmony. The sun shines and it seems that this will be just an ordinary day in this little tow-

(Edward's POV)

Edward: Fuuuuuuuuck!!!

Mary: Language!!!

Edward: Sorry mom!

I say after seeing the hour in my watch and running downstairs while getting dressed.

Mary: Why are you screaming?

Edward: Because now I'm gonna be late to see professor Oak.

I say while eating a toast.

- Meanwhile in Professor Oak's lab -

(Oswald's POV)

Oswald: I choose... Squirtle!

Squirtle: Squirtle!

Oak: Good choice, but...

Oswald: What?

Oak: Aren't you a bit old to start an adventure?

Oswald: How dare you?! I'm a kid on the inside!

Squirtle: Squirtle! *translating* "Fuck Yeah"

Oak: Well I guess you are right. I may not be as young as I was but I still have the energy to keep an eye on all the pokemon they send me.

Oswald: Damn right professor *mentally* "But where is Edward? I'm usually the one who gets late. Not that I'm proud of that. Nah, I bet he's fine, I know my best friend, he doesn't take shit from no one." Well, I'll be going, see you professor!

Oak: Good journey and good luck!

Oswald: Thanks! Let's go Pikach... I mean Squirtle!

Squirtle: Squirtle! Squirtle! Squirtle! *translating* "Finally an adventure! that old man smelled like bilirubin! but you cool!"

Oak: Very well, who's next?!

Little girl: I am!!!

- Back in Edward's house -

(Edward's POV)

Norman: Are you sure that's what you want to do with your life?, I mean, you are no longer a 10 year old boy anymore son, and when you were, you said you didn't want to go anywhere. Are you sure you don't want to try enter to college again?

Suddenly, not very pleasant memories came back to my mind, making me change my worried expression to a stern one.

Mary: Your father's got a point son, aren't you a bit too old to try being a pokemon master?

Edward: We are all kids on the inside mom.

I say hiding my feelings about what happened in the past with a very convincing smile while trying to forget about it.

Mary: Mmm...

Edward: Don't worry mom, besides I'll be fine, like you said, I'm not a 10 year old boy anymore. I know how to take care of myself, I was raised by one of the only stable couples in the entire region *mentally* "Now that I think about it, maybe that's why single mothers send their children to a world plagued by dangerous creatures. So they don't have to deal with talking to their children about their obvious parent issues... Damn". And no dad, I wont try college again.

Mary: Yeah, well, just promise me that you'll be careful.

Edward: I will mom.

Norman: If that's what you really want, then you have our support son.

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