TM or MT...V?... ok that's just lazy writing

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Narrator: In the last chapter, our protagonist won the Boulder Badge after defeating Brock, the rock type gym leader by abusing the level difference he won by grinding with his pokemon...

Edward: Hey! It's totally legal!

Narrator: Whatever, now that he has nothing to do in the city because he has no friends, he now makes his way to meet with his friend out of the city so his journey can continue. What surprises will this idiot have to deal with? Let's find out!

(Edward's POV)

Edward: Damn you Narrator. Oh well, I guess I have to meet with Oswald already so there's no time to waste.

Brock: Um... who were you talking to?

Edward: Oh right! You can't break the fourth wall jejeje! I was talking to nobody actually.

I say with a forced smile at the realization that maybe he now thinks I'm as weird as fuck.

Brock: You are weird dude.


Brock: But anyway, besides the Boulder Badge I'll give you as well this TM.

Edward: Really?

A TM? I've always wanted to see one in person but, wait a second.

Edward: Why?

I ask with a distrustful tone. If there is something I know about life is that nothing in it is free. I better be ready to get running out of here and directly to the police station if this guy tries something weird with me. I mean, everybody knows his bad luck with girls is even worst than mine... as someone with similar problems I must admit I feel sorry for him, but that doesn't change the fact that maybe he'll now try something with men as well!

Brock: Because I've seen the bond you have with your pokemon. You'll become very strong together and this attack might help you to achieve your goal, whatever that is.

Phew... No sexual intentions... that I know about. But aside from that... My goal huh?

Edward: Well thanks Brock. What attack is it?

Brock: This MT contains the attack Rock Tomb that my Onix used during our battle.

Edward: Amazing!

Fuck yeah! That attack will come very in handy if I teach it to the right pokemon.

Brock: Well here you have.

He then proceeds to give me... a disk?

Edward: Um, Brock?

Brock: Yeah?

Edward: How am I supposed to teach one of my pokemon the Rock Tomb attack if it is in this disk? Now that I think about it. How the actual fuck do you put a pokemon attack inside of some sort of DVD? That makes no sense!

Brock: You really wanna know how that attack was put inside of that disk?

Edward: Yes!

I ask unable to hide my curiosity and excitement which only makes him smile.

Brock: Well the answer is...

Please don't say pokemon mag-

Brock: Pokemon magic!




You know what. From now on if something doesn't make any fucking sense in this world or violate any logic or laws of physics... I'll just assume is pokemon magic.

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