A Farfetch'd reencounter...

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Narrator: After an impressive victory against the incredibly strong Vermillion Gym Leader, Lt. Surge. Which I totally not expected from this idiot.

Edward: In your FUCKIN' FACE!

Narrator: Shut up virgin!

Edward: Uh-!

Narrator: Like I was saying before being abruptly interrupted.

Edward: Asshole.

Narrator: ...

Edward: ...


Narrator: Are you going to let me do my job or what?

Edward: I don't know man, what is your job anyway?

Narrator: To narrate your stupid shenanigans.

Edward: So... you basically base your living in harassing me like a-

Narrator: OUR PROTAGONIST now has to decide what to do with his worthless life now that he has gotten his third gym badge. The path to follow seems clear, but we cannot help but wonder... Will he be able to defeat the next gym leader? Will Chris sleep in a Pokemon Centre ever again? What other surprises will come in the way? Let's find out!

(Edward' POV)

*Sigh* Well, that was an introduction.

After my hard victory against Lt. Surge and receive the sweet Thunder Badge (and the money of the idiots I defeated before I battled him) I both came one step closer to my goal, and some pokedollars closer to my retirement fund. We are currently walking to the door and making our way out of Vermillion Gym when a late realization comes to my mind.

Edward: Oh yeah, Lt. Surge.

I say turning around.

Lt. Surge: Yes, son?

Edward: Your nephew says "Hi".

When I said the word "nephew", the always present grin in the Lt's face was instantly replaced by an expression full uncertainty, deception and trauma.

Lt. Surge: Oh... so you know him, huh?

Edward: Unfortunately... no offense!  ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

Lt. Surge: Hahahahahaha! No worry kid! That boy and his father are a disgrace to the military legacy of our family. Deciding a life based on exactly the opposite of the values we soldiers die in the battlefield to defend. 

Edward: Damn. Talking about harsh family relations.

Ari: *mentally* "Hmph. If you knew..."

Lt. Surge: So don't feel guilty about it son. If anything, I should be the one apologizing with you for having to deal with him.

Edward: Yeah, I guess we both agree that he is very... how can I say it without sounding rude, hmm... nope, there's no other way to say it. He is crazy as fuck.

I nonchalantly say.

Lt. Surge: You tell me. He even asked me if he could choke my Raichu in one of his birthdays.

He says with a bead of sweat in his forehead.

Edward: I don't doubt it... 

Lt. Surge: Anyway, where are you planning to go next?

Edward: Celadon City.

Lt. Surge: Beware Erika and her tricky grass type pokémon. She doesn't go straight to it like I do. If you let her change the state of your pokémon you might be in serious trouble.

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